Session 7: Toil and Trouble

General Summary

(Note: Written many weeks after the fact. For that reason, it is not very detailed, and some things will have been forgotten).   Our heroes decide to check Easthaven, thinking that Torg's may have travelled eastwards.   Stopping briefly in Bryn Shander to inform Copper Knobberknocker that his friend Macreadus is dead, the party continues on to Easthaven. After a day of travel, they arrive just as a public execution is underway. A wizard called Dzaan is being burned at the stake for murdering some fellow adventurers.   Weary from the road and not wishing to watch the grisly sight any longer, the party finds rooms at The White Lady Inn. Where they make the acquaintance of a bard - Rinaldo - who persuades them to attend a seance later that evening, at which he hopes to contact the White Lady herself.   During the seance, the White Lady does indeed make an appearance and answers three questions from the party. Shest learns that his long lost family may be in Caer-Dineval.   Looking for work, they enquire with the militia captain, Imdra Arlaggath, who informs them that some fishermen have gone missing. If the party can bring them back, of find evidence of what happened to them, she will give them some of Dzaan's possessions as a reward.   The party calls in at The Wet Trout to get information on where the fishermen usually would fish. The leads them to a spot east of town along the lakeshore. There they find an abandoned boat but no sign of the fishermen. Some searching nearby reveals a cave network which they begin to explore...

Character(s) interacted with

Rime of the Frostmaiden
Report Date
06 Jul 2023
Primary Location

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