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Episode 9: An "in case" mace...

General Summary

Greengrass, Year of Lightning Storms   Despite exquisite spring weather in the City of Serpents, Shay and Svent limit their spring festival activities to a few moments with their respective community members.      1 Mirtul   Mirko Ristic comes to find Shay. He points out that he has money and time invested in locating the entryway of this ruin and that they should go after it. Shay consults Svent and Sellennis to see if they are still interested, and makes plans to talk to priests at the temple and seek out another healer.    Svent meets Falzek at the Cavern and inquires about the possibility of finding work by him.      2 Mirtul   Shay inquires of Castinus if there is a healer who might be suitable for their foray into the undercity. Castinus says he may be able to find someone...    Svent ask the same of Izik at his market stall. While returning home, Zak-yek  walks beside him. He inquires about Svent's future plans, and if he wants to do something more grand. He begins talking about his queen again, and Svent expresses that perhaps he would be interested if there were a clear offer.    In the afternoon, Inkarik  arrives by Shay's room. He jokes around, explains he has militia experience, is a capable healer, and explains he is pious in his own way... by drinking to excess. The two, along with Nonnus, drink at the dock gate bar called The Brazen Flail and discuss the details of venturing back into the sewers. In addition to the adventure, they engage in a bit of temple gossip regarding why the faith is being relocated in Hlondeth.    Svent drinks with Falzek at the Cavern before being nudged to the docks for a walk and discussion. Falzek explains he may have a job for him, but it will be dealing with Arcane magic and likely won't pay well...    Mirko greets Shay on the steps of the temple as he returns, and they plan to meet the next night to enter the sewers. Struck with curiosity and mostly asleep temple, Shay wanders the compound looking for a means to go down into the sewers. He finally locates a barred door, one that is alarmed, but decides to go down instead. Minutes later, Brother Anacian Kurkuras arrives to retrieve the wayward mage and walk him back to his room with vague threats of his "just in case mace."    3 Mirtul   Shay explains to Castinus about his interaction with Brother Anacian the night before. Castinus, a bit disturbed, tells Shay that in a few days, they will return to the catacombs themselves.    At sunset, the group meets at the docks.

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
21 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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