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Episode 4: The kobold, the clerics, and the really big door.

General Summary

[off-screen during down time]   11 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms   In the evening hours, Svent's acquaintance, Ixik , comes to tell him he's spoken to Grazk about any kobold slaves that Svent might help.     12 Tarsakh   On a cloudy and windy day, the group of four returns to the soon to be renamed Hall of Mercy, hoping to use a Dispel Magic scroll to removed a glyph and open a large door on the second floor.   After Zhivka dispels it and they enter, they find three hungry female slaves that have been trapped here since 8 Tarsakh when the high priest of Cyric left them for the night. A girl named Sanura did most of the talking for the group, explaining that they have been prisoners of the priest for some time after making repeated visits here with their owner, Iss'tamin Hss'toffess. She further explains that a girl named Sayasen was killed by the priest in a rage when he learned that he the temple was being given to the church of Ilmater. Shay declines to stand in their way, so the three leave the temple immediately.   The group goes down into the basement of the temple to retrieve the dead body from the cell for later burial. Afterward, they go into the sewers and wander briefly before encountering a pair of otyughs, great tentacled sewer beasts. They explore the sewers for over an hour before returning to a cave near the temple escape exit. Svent identifies the collapsed passage as a trap so the party returns to the temple to inform Castinus and seek information from local kobolds.   13 Tarsakh   Ixik again provides information for Svent: the tribe under the temple are the Redbrands. He suggests Svent get Grazk to arrange a meeting. Later in the day, Svent travels to the Blackened Nails area in the shantytown east of Hlondeth where Grazk agrees to intercede -- and reminds Svent he got him a place to live and that with this help, Svent will owe him two favors...   At the temple of Ilmater earlier, Svent and Shay meet with Castinus to assess. Svent gets paid for his efforts by Brother Anacian Kurkuras who also advises him to be cautious of Shay who is ignorant of the ways of the Vilhon Reach.   In an effort to maintain his privacy, Shay casts Arcane Lock on his door.     Over the next several days, Temple of the White Rose residents begin the process of packing up to move.     17 Tarsakh   Following Ixik's direction the day before, Svent meets with an envoy from All-Watcher Tyrzek of the Redbrands tribe. Tyrzek proves to be a rude and abrasive, even for a kobold leader. In the gathering chamber, surrounded by advisors and 30 or so tribe members, Svent gets the price he wishes for the tribe to live in peace with the Ilmateri priests: 5 healing potions and some food each month. A few gems for himself if it can be managed.   18 Tarsakh   After meeting with Castinus, who agrees to the terms with little fanfare, Svent meets a strange kobold messenger for Tyrzek who calls himself Zak-yek. Svent delivers his words for the All-Watcher, the two exchange curt conversation about the source of Svent's powers, and Zak-yek mentions inquiring of a queen if the name Svent's given is one of her envoys.

Rewards Granted

100gp to Svent for finishing the job for the church

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
18 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Hall of Mercy

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