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Episode 3: Ilmater, God of Suffering

General Summary

8 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms   Shay wakes in the afternoon with a visit from Castinus. After the Reverend Father is updated, they chat a bit about Brother Anacian and Zhivka, and Castinus explains that Shay allowing Basilus and Ferit to "handle" silencing the Guild operatives last time was frowned upon. Castinus asks what Shay thinks about Svent, and leaves Shay mostly in charge of the second half of the project: making contact with the kobolds in the sewers and reaching an accord. He emphasizes that this would be better done with no bloodshed.   The two discuss just how much fun they are having in Hlondeth. Castinus is his usual understanding and patient self, but makes clear to Shay that he knows he was brought here by Ilmater... and his endurance of Anacian's sniping will not last forever...     Svent swings a little out of the way as he heads back to his sleeping apartment to see his contact in the market, the kobold vendor/sorcerer, Ixik . He inquires if there are slaves of Ixik's tribe, the Blackened Nails, who have been enslaved in the city who might be bought out of slavery. Ixik assures Svent he will inquire.     9 Tarsakh   Svent returns to the Temple of the White Rose to meet with Shay about dividing treasure. He takes the magical morningstar and agrees to return in two days to discuss the kobold situation with Castinus and venture back to finish clearing the new temple.   Meeting with Brother Anacian (at Castinus' suggestion) leads to the church adding a magical shield to their coffers. As he departs, Shay meets Nonnus , a pox-scarred man about his own age, who is sweeping the hall.   Finding his contact, Falzek , at a tavern in the dock distract called The Cavern , Svent agrees to sell the magical morningstar to him for 1000gp. After some drinks and some ribald humor, Svent returns home.     10 Tarsakh   Shay speaks with Zhivka, who agrees (grudgingly, as usual) to further investigate the temple with Svent and Shay. A chance meeting with Nonnus immediately following leads to his inclusion in the group.     11 Tarsakh   The foursome travels uphill in the misting rain to try to clear the remainder of the gray, foreboding temple. After spelling their way in, the group goes room by room. In the main altar area, they locate a number of remaining addicts, who Svent encourages to "go outside for more Dreaming Dust."   In the western courtyard, Shay is investigating the strange dark mushrooms when he is attacked and nearly squeezed to death by an assassin vine. Zhivka heals Shay as Svent blasts the vine to pieces, once again rescuing Shay as he nearly dies.   Venturing down to the cellar level, the group finds an old torture chamber dating back to the Bane years of occupation, with new statues to Cyric. There they discover a yuan-ti pureblood, Iss'tamin Hss'toffess , who describes himself as a cousin of the Extaminos ruling family. He is... as pleasant as one could expect for a caged yuan-ti and he assures them he will send a reward to the temple after the escort him to the surface.   After a thorough search, they venture up to the second level and explore it until finding an ebony door with the skull of Cyric on it. When Svent detects a magical glyph on it, the group elect to return to the temple for a Dispel Magic scroll and plan to return the next day.

Rewards Granted

Gratitude of Iss'tamin Hss'toffess...(?)

Missions/Quests Completed   Highlights?  

  • 00:45:00 - Falzek and Svent have a drink and make jokes at The Cavern, and things get a little... "locker room"...
  • Campaign
    Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


    Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
    Report Date
    04 Oct 2020
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    Hall of Mercy

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