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Episode 8: Popularity Contest

General Summary

29 Tarsakh, Year of Lightning Storms   Shay is awakened just after dawn for a visit: the former slave, Sanura, stands at the front of the Temple of the White Rose waiting on him.    She says that after "paying the rent" with the night watchman at The High King's Keep , where she and the other two escapees have been hiding, she returned to their hiding place to find the other girls gone. She convinces Shay to help, and he enlists Svent.    At the fine inn, Regabe, the round-faced innkeeper feeds them brunch before they check outside for Sanura. They find her peeking out of the converted stables, and after going in to investigate, find a hidden space and a secret way down to a carved passage.    After searching an empty end of a passage, they make their way into old sewers, finally finding a old section and being called out to by a girl. There they meet Bozhidar Kholane , the battle axe-wielding fellow from Episode 7: Things Get Ruins. He turns out to be a priest of Tempus and with Saruna and a handful of other companions (including a man named Kalak and another priest named Pavao) take Shay and Svent with sacks on their heads to a secret location.    While a Candle of Truth is lit, they are questioned about their affiliation with Iss'tamin Hss'toffess. Once Bozhidar is satisfied they are merely associates of convenience with no real loyalty to the yuan-ti, he leaves them alone most of the remainder of the day. When he returns, he is covered in blood, and explains they rescued their friend and Iss'tamin is dead. They are then returned to the above city by Pavao and "Baby".      30 Tarsakh   As the sun is rising on the temple, Shay is told by the black-leather clad girl that she knows where he can find the religious icon that Castinus and the church of Ilmater are looking for. She tells him to find her at The Rebel Harp when he comes up with 10,000 gold.

Hlondeth, Emerald of the Reach


Svent is a 13 year old Male Kobold and a level 7 Warlock.
Report Date
12 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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