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A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of Araria
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Supporting Cast
  • "King"
    A lizardman who has, somehow, snuck his way into Lumera. His skills have allowed him to dig up information on everyone in Lumera. He's willing to trade this information (if you have enough coin).
  • Azura Crosswind
    An ex-military soldier who ran away from home. In her desperation she ended up in the Employment of The Fools Gold Brigade. Now she's been assigned as first mate to The Wyrd Riders.
  • Bigaleous Aldoras Untaro III
    A Half-elf who assembled The Wyrd Riders under his command. Biggs is a cunning businessman and a trusted captain to his superior, Captain Sky Hawk.
  • Coal Ukarlen
    A Friendly, flirtatious Dragonborn. He has a scar on his face that has left a cleft that gives him a menacing smile. In truth he's a big softy that simply wants to promote peace for his people.
  • Collar
    A mute Kobold who used to be a slave. At some point she ended up with The Fools Gold Brigade and was assigned to The Wyrd Riders.
  • Dograd Zarr
    A Hobgoblin who used to be a combat medic back in Urgratal. He has many scars on his forearms and has only disclosed that he Joined the Fools Gold Brigade to peruse his own interests. He has since been assigned to the Weird Riders.
  • Drunn Waltz
    A powerful fighter with a desire to help people. This desire, however can end up with him going unpaid. He leads The Bulwark, a mercenary guild in Phontainia.
  • Hilo Horlin
    A Proud commanding officer in service to Bigland. He is stationed in Westernmostwest Town. His top priority is the protection of his people and state.
  • Klord
    An ugly little goblin who's favorite pastime is fighting. He used to be a slave until the Fools Gold Brigade acquired him and assigned him to The Wyrd Riders ship.
  • Mr.Huggins
    A Snake that belongs to "King". He's a giant Python who briefly accompanied The Wyrd Riders.
  • Ordon Stormwaller
    Redheaded dwarf with a short mohawk and a slight potbelly. He is often found drinking when not on duty and is quick to pick fights. He has a hard time getting along with any one else who isn't a Dwarf.
  • The Nightmare King The Boogieman
    A being who delights in feeding of peoples fears. He can dwell in peoples dreams. Most think of him as but a myth. Only the unfortunate know the truth...
  • The Facless
    Leader of the Lumera Underworld gang. Not much is known about her aside from that she's both ruthless and efficient. Evidently she's gone though great lengths to ensure she is the only crime lord in Lumera.
  • The Smiling Man
    A man who always has a smile on his face. He enjoys nothing more than entertaining people and bringing a smile to others faces.
  • Tozzel Woewozzel
    Before joining The Wyrd Riders Tozzel used to be a bountyhunter. Tozzel tends to be on the lazy side. Only doing his duties when he feels he has too. He is usually kept on a short leash because of this.
  • Vulen Bloodfang
    Vulen is a fairly friendly Half-Dragon. He is a paladin of Onixath The Iridescence. He is known to uphold his beliefs to a fault.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Gut Ravenroot

Grizz Narak

Thorim Brewstrike

Alana "Zin" Blackford

Duerden Forgehand