Campaign 3: The Broken Kingdom

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Golwildom, The Broken Kingdom
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  • Nauquan
Supporting Cast
  • Aelar
    The half orc archmage of enchantment.
  • Aiden Vallis
    Market Square Merchant
  • Altharash Dalren
    Altharash Dalren is a fierce dragonborn Warden who oversees the western sector of Nadena. His scales shimmer a deep crimson, and he carries himself with pride and dignity. Once a warrior, Altharash now uses his strength to enforce the Creed’s laws and maintain order. He is loyal to the High Custodian, but his sense of personal honor sometimes clashes with the brutal measures the Creed enforces, though he never shows it publicly.
  • Arannis Ilphukiir
    Keeper of the Feywild Gate
  • Azim Khalid
    Leader of the Merchant Guild. A shrewd and influential merchant in his late 30s, Azim is known for his silver tongue and sharp business acumen. He is of medium height, with neatly trimmed black hair and a well-groomed beard. Azim dresses in luxurious silks and is rarely seen without a ledger or a stack of contracts. His presence in the bazaar is often accompanied by the scent of exotic spices, as he haggles for the best deals.
  • Barnvald Fervalkin
    Barnvald Fervalkin is a man of authority and control, known for his cold, calculating nature. As the master of the house and spy master for the Black Guard, he excels in espionage and manipulation. His demeanor is commanding, and he exudes an air of sophistication mixed with a hint of menace.
  • Borin Lein
    Owner of the Salty Seagull Tavern
  • Caelum Adamaris
    Master of the Aetheric Academy
  • Drevor Aelwick
    Drevor Aelwick is an eccentric and reclusive wizard in his late sixties, with wild, graying hair that sticks out in every direction, as if electrified by the very magic he wields. His robes are patchworked with stains from soil and spells gone awry, and he always carries a gnarled staff, more for prodding his giant watermelons than for casting spells.
  • Dulas Pernisor
    Member of the Council of Captains
  • Elara Cyst
    Elara is responsible for bridging the gap between divine magic and technology. Her work ensures that religious rituals align with technological advancements, maintaining harmony between Prul’s spiritual and industrial sectors. She advises the Council on matters of divine will.
  • Elira Merilin
    Elira manages the harbor and oversees all maritime activities
  • Elowen
    The half elf archmage of conjuration.
  • Faelan Brightworth
    He reluctantly took on the role of mayor when the former leaders fled, stepping up to stabilize the town's economy and maintain some form of governance. He used his connections to keep trade routes open and was instrumental in organizing local factions to repurpose the resort infrastructure for survival needs, including turning the mills into production centers.
  • Fenrik
    The gnome archmage of divination.
  • Gregor Venth
    Merchant and key figure in the Free Traders
  • Jorin Kedz
    Harbormaster of Phonol
  • Jorvyn
    Halfing archmage for Illusion magic.
  • Kaede Anaki
    Kaede Anaki, a sharp and calculating human warden, oversees the southern district. Her unyielding demeanor and strict control of information make her feared by many. Known for her keen intuition, Kaede is often the one who senses unrest before it happens and ensures reeducation is swift. Her deep-seated loyalty to the Creed drives her actions, and she holds a personal belief that the wall is the town's salvation.
  • Kaelith Moonshadow
    Master Artisan of Galca
  • Lady Avandra
    Runs a home for Home for Displaced Youth
  • Laila Darwish
    Captain of the Sand Sentinels. A formidable woman in her early 40s, Laila is the captain of the town’s guards. She is tall and athletic, with dark hair tied back in a practical braid. Her armor is functional yet ornate, featuring desert motifs. Laila is a no-nonsense leader, known for her strict discipline and loyalty to Abah Bazaar. Her sharp green eyes miss nothing as she patrols the streets, ensuring the safety of the townsfolk.
  • Liora Cyst
    Liora is deeply fascinated by enchanted minerals and how they can be used to power Prul's infrastructure. As an apprentice, she’s learning to incorporate these materials into new technology.
  • Lyrae Nharimlith
    High Bard of the Eternal Symphony Hall
  • Lyrandis
    The High Elf Transmutation Archmage of Bundushur.
  • Maelis Thalanor
    Archmage and Leader of the Council of the Verdant Moon
  • Maevis Lunor
    Former lead scientist of Adheath, now working in secret with the Survivor Coalition
  • Malzathrax
    Malzathrax is a skeletal figure with glowing ember-like eyes that constantly flicker with mischief. His sharp wit and biting sarcasm often mask his true power as the bookkeeper of the world and the ultimate arbiter of undeath. While his humor and quick comebacks provide comic relief, Malzathrax is not to be underestimated. Beneath his jests lies a mind that meticulously tracks every soul, debt, and dark secret in existence. His skeletal frame is adorned with ancient, tattered robes that seem to shift and whisper in an unseen wind, giving him an aura of both dread and dark wisdom.
  • Mira Cyst
    Mira focuses on art and design, often contributing to public art projects in the city. Her creative vision helps blend beauty and functionality in Prul’s evolving architecture.
  • Mordrid Fervalkin
    Mordrid Fervalkin is known for her psychological prowess and manipulative tactics. As the lady of the house, she plays a crucial role in the psychological and physical training of the adopted children. Her enjoyment of risky and sadistic activities reveals her dark, twisted nature beneath her outwardly composed facade.
  • Morrigan
    The tiefling archmage of necromancy.
  • Rehan Al-Farid
    Head of the Abah Council. A wise and charismatic leader in his late 50s, Rehan is known for his deep understanding of trade and diplomacy. His salt-and-pepper beard and piercing brown eyes give him an air of authority. Rehan is always dressed in fine robes, with a gold-embroidered sash, symbolizing his status. He is well-respected and often seen consulting with traders and council members in the heart of the bazaar.
  • Riana Velok
    Lighthouse Keeper
  • Roderick Hale
    Head of the Ruling Council
  • Sarenwen Mystral
    Guardian of the Veil of Illusions
  • Serindë Thalor
    Archdruid of Avishelm.
  • Shaara Windclaw
    Messenger and Spy for the Council
  • Stewart
    Stewart is a stern and somewhat disheveled steward with a dark side. Once a student of magic, he now manages the estate with a harsh hand. His abusive behavior towards the older students is a manifestation of his own unresolved frustrations and his complicity in the Fervalkin family's schemes.
  • Thaddeus Cyst
    As a lead figure in Prul’s industrial hub, Thaddeus oversees major projects related to mechanical advancements and technological development. He leads teams of engineers, ensuring that Prul remains at the forefront of innovation.
  • Thalia Serenthia
    Thalia is responsible for overseeing the residential areas near the mountains and maintaining the city's fortifications and watchtowers.
  • Thalindra
    The human archmage of Abjuration.
  • Thyssar Tallowheel
    Thyssar Tallowheel, a gnome with a brilliant yet twisted mind, controls the eastern district of Nadena. His fascination with maintaining the Wall's dominance has led him to develop intricate surveillance mechanisms, ensuring that no secrets escape his notice. Known for his cunning and unpredictability, Thyssar thrives on manipulation and control, keeping the populace on edge with the ever-present threat of exposure.
  • Tiberius Cyst
    Aspiring to join Prul’s political ranks, Tiberius is engaged in both his studies and student governance. He’s known for his debates on how Prul should balance tradition and innovation
  • Tilde Rockfoot
    Tilde runs the only shop in Nadena that is authorized to handle goods from the “missions” that go beyond the wall. However, he is fully aware that these missions are fabrications, and he plays his part in the deception, making it seem like valuable goods are being brought in. Tilde is greedy and opportunistic, using his position to profit from the council while also gathering secrets of his own. He outwardly presents himself as a simple merchant, but he holds many of the town’s secrets in his hands.
  • Vaelis
    The Fire Genasi archmage of Evocation.
  • Vargol Grimnash
    Vargol Grimnash is a stern, imposing figure who leads the Bulwark Creed with an iron grip. A half-orc who rose from the lower ranks of Nadena's society, he now claims to be the chosen voice of the Wall, using his power to keep the town isolated and under control. Grimnash is known for his ruthlessness, punishing dissenters with swift and brutal reeducation. He is both feared and respected for his unwavering loyalty to the Wall and his vision for Nadena's "protection."
  • Varian Ironwood
    Varian oversees the city's defenses and industrial activities.
  • Verona Laerin
    Council Member and Mastermind of the Wall
  • Yara Kess
    Leader of the Nomads, a self-sufficient community on the outskirts of Adheath
  • Yinseif
    High Priest of the Sun’s Embrace Temple. An elderly man in his 70s, Zara Al-Rashid is the devoted High Priest of the temple dedicated to the Unconquered Sun. He has a serene presence, with a long white beard and kind, weathered eyes that have seen many years. Zara wears simple, yet elegant robes that shimmer in the sunlight, symbolizing his connection to his deity. He is deeply respected by the townsfolk and is often sought for guidance and blessings.
  • Yur Rhea-Tarhdid
    Mother of Ahmari
  • Zara Al-Rashid
    Leader of the Desert Roses. A mysterious and enigmatic figure, Zara is a half-elf in her early 30s. She has sharp, angular features, with almond-shaped amber eyes and long, dark hair that flows like silk. Zara is often seen wearing a hooded cloak that blends into the desert sands, allowing her to move unseen. She is a master of stealth and subterfuge, leading the Desert Roses in their clandestine operations to protect Abah Bazaar from external threats.
  • Zara
    Dwarven abjuration archmage.
It has been ten years since the events of Brifux; however, on the continent of Nauquan such dealings with the world are of no concern. The continent itself since what seems at the beginning of time remained isolated and protected. The six primary capitals of the continent harbor a fragment of the goddess stone called Abericlase that offers protection from the undead and negative effects that revolve around necromancy. Unintentional effects of utilizing these stones brought a dawn of prosperity and birth of technological advances unlike the world had seen. The ideals of magic were lost across many territories with the exception of Bundushur and Llanfyll who continued advancements in the arcane arts while the other territories almost seemingly traded it in for more modern conveniences including communication tools (like a phone), horseless transportation (like cars), and even modern weaponry (like guns). Religion had all but faded away as the necessity of divine intervention was no longer required and it became more of a belief rather than a way of life. The belief in the Gods diminished over time, but there was peace.   10 years ago, the radiating goddess stones suddenly went dark. The barrier that protected the continent and kept wary outsiders deterred was snuffed out and all of the technological advancements that had been in progress for decades were suddenly useless. The continent was thrown into chaos and once prosperous mighty cities fell back into the dark ages where adventurers are prized mercenaries and magic users are rare. The temples of the goddess stones soon became overrun, emanating evil and undeath all around and became breeding grounds for all manner of creatures. Five years ago, the six capitals decided that once a year as part of a continent treaty, they would send their best and brightest on a pilgrimage to purify the temples and destroy all the evil within. They hoped that in doing so the power of the goddess stones would illuminate once more and pull them from this age of darkness and chaos. Although it is one of the greatest honors to undertake this task, no group has survived this long and perilous journey and has successfully been able to remove all creatures from within a single temple.   As you gather, rumors flutter in throughout the lands of dark intentions throughout the territories as powers fluctuate. The orcish territories have been said that they are under new leadership by an unknown power. The more prominent dwarven territory of verdantia is rumored that in order to combat the made mage of the north, the nomad tribes have begun seeking out help from less conventional means. The wild elves in the Technara territories have become more and more aggressive while relations between the desert and forest territories has become more and more strained. But, enough about that...   It now comes to you that are now gathering here in the halls of Bundushur this year to move forward in this task. Stories of greatness and sacrifice already fill the halls and streets of the great floating city of magic as each of you prepare for the great deeds to come that fate has chosen for you...

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Ray Cyst

Aeren Grimvein

Swordbearer Annghorhast

Amahri Rhea