Session 010: Back to the Bastion Report

General Summary

  Starting Day: Early Morning of 12th of Readying, 591 CY, 9th hour.  

Early Morning

  As the party was resting in the Einmann estate Otto was awakened by the sound of a child's cry. Speaking to Silas he was able to meet with Tanna and Neigel Einmann in the bed chambers. Neigel has had some nightmares over what had happened with the guards. Otto, using detect magic, he noticed a small magical aura in the corner of the room. Has he approached it, the aura moved and left the room.  

The meeting

The party is greeted in the morning by the servants of the house. Tama requested some plants and flowers for Laero. After breakfast all of the party, save Quinn, met with Tanna to ask for extra compensation. She initially was frustrated and feeling that she had misread the parties intentions. But, now she realized it's a business relationship and is amenable to taking care of the taxes on the gear.  

Quinn's Little Chat

As the party spoke with Tanna, Quinn chatted with Neigel. Quinn told Neigel that the dagger was known as the Light's Grace dagger and was empowered by Pelor himself, but only works for good and will not cut if you're evil. Neigel asked if the dagger would protect mommy from the whispering thing. He confided to Quinn that he didn't kill those men, that something whispered to Tanna, that only he seemed to witness. Then it sprang into action and killed Johanson with his barbed tail. Then it wounded Gnat who was disguised as Otto.  

The Temple of Pelor

The party heads to the Vespera Cathedral of Pelor and speaks with Brother Eadric about the events that have transpired. The party believed that there was an imp at the Estate. Eadric believes that hallowing the area would be the only way to save them. They would have to reach to higher level clerics than him. But, reaching out to House Arcturus for guards would be a good spot. Otto agrees to pay the bill for the mercs. They dropped gold in the  

Lord Barnum aka what are we doing here?

  Rosemary is following Quinn through the city and he leads her to the The Radiant Revelries, a brothel in the seedy side of Vespera. Quinn has the idea that he wants to screw a donkey. Quinn met the presenter Cornelius Moonstone. Quinn asked to meet the prostitute Saffron and Lord Barnum. Quinn tried to charm Rosemary but it didn't take. Leading to Rosemary grappling Quinn and threatening Quinn with death if he charms her again and taking Cornelius's gold as he pleads for them to leave.   After which Quinn goes to the orphanage called the Everbright House. He donates, as Johnny Constantinople 5000 gold, a large 10 cubic foot size of coinage. As, they scream back and forth about the amount of gold they have.  


The party met with Alden Grimhammer to chat about gear and get the lowdown on what he knows about imps. For his help Quinn said he'd drop off 50 gold for him at the Salty Side Inn. Otto wishes to enchant his weapon and he recommends meeting with House Aurora(retcon)  Quinn recommends meeting with Tanna again to confront her about the imp.   Ending Day: Early Afternoon of 12th of Readying, 591 CY, 13th hour.

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Player Journals
Rested, Refreshed, Ready! (6/25/23) by Tama
Report Date
26 Jun 2023
Last Bastion Homepage

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