Session 045 Act II Begins Report

General Summary

Penn's End

  The party returns to the Bastion, carrying the lifeless body of Penn. Despite the weight of their loss, they refuse to use the resurrection scroll provided by the cleric of Hextor, wary of the infernal language in which it's written. Seeking a safer option, they are guided by Jowan to meet Brother Marus, a devoted cleric of Pelor, who may offer a purer means of resurrection.   In the serene chapel, Brother Marus gently places Penn on the altar of Pelor, his hands moving with reverence as he begins a solemn prayer. The party watches with hope as Marus offers a gleaming 1000-gold diamond, a precious gift meant to draw Penn's soul back from the beyond. But as the incantation concludes, an eerie silence fills the room—Penn's soul does not return.   Tama, sensing a dark shift, looks up to see Brother Marus transform into a grotesque figure, twisted and menacing, holding the ethereal form of Penn’s soul by the throat. The apparition offers a deal: Penn’s life in exchange for a pact. Tama, his heart heavy, refuses, knowing the price of such bargains. In a horrific moment, the figure’s grip tightens, and Penn’s soul is rent and consumed, vanishing into oblivion.   As the scene fades, the figure of Marus returns to normal, his face pale and sorrowful. He reveals that upon touching Tama, he glimpsed the infernal city of Dis, suggesting dark forces at play. Marus, with a heavy heart, expresses sympathy for the party, but they part ways, their spirits burdened by grief and betrayal.

Meeting with Vincent

Later, Otto seeks counsel with Brother Vincent, another cleric within the Bastion. In a quiet corner, Vincent casts a spell of non-detection, shrouding their conversation from prying ears. He confides in Otto, revealing his belief that the world might be better without the Bastion, hinting at corruption within its walls. Otto, troubled by these revelations, ponders the path ahead, realizing the battle against darkness may be far more complex than they anticipated.

Meeting with Ceric

Quinn finds Brother Ceric hurrying down the dimly lit corridor towards Vincent's chambers. Despite the urgency in Ceric’s stride, Quinn insists on a conversation. Reluctantly, Ceric agrees, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. Quinn reveals everything: the betrayal, the dark forces at play, and his burning desire to see Jowan fall, hoping Ceric would take his place as a leader.   Intrigued, Ceric agrees, unlocking Quinn's suppressed memories with a flick of his hand. Suddenly, vivid images flood Quinn’s mind, revealing Ceric’s true form—a honed devil, his visage both terrifying and majestic. Stammering in shock, Quinn steps back. Ceric, unfazed, assures Quinn that he has done well but declares he has more pressing matters to attend to.


Tama, determined to uncover the truths about Hextor and the devils, makes his way to the grand Library of Epoch. As he peruses the dusty tomes, he selects three intriguing titles: "The Iron Fist: Hextor's Doctrine and Devotion," "Infernal Hierarchies: A Guide to Devilish Dominion," and "Dark Bargains: The Pacts of Power." With the books in hand, he heads outside the city to a secluded spot, eager to read in solitude.   As he delves into the ancient texts, Tama feels a presence approach. It is Karstan, a fellow seeker of dark knowledge, who had sensed Tama’s intent through the selection of books. Realizing it was a ploy to get his attention, Karstan smirks, intrigued by Tama’s boldness.   They engage in a deep conversation, where Karstan confides that the gods have abandoned the Span, leaving it vulnerable to chaos and darkness. Only Hextor, the god of war and tyranny, truly intervenes in the mortal realm, offering power and purpose. As they speak, an undeniable tension simmers between them, the air thick with unspoken desires.   With a knowing look, Karstan leans closer, whispering that while his soul belongs to Hextor, his body is Tama’s today. Succumbing to their mutual attraction, they embrace, their passions igniting as they surrender to each other in the soft grass.   Afterward, lying together, Karstan speaks of the power and protection Hextor offers. Swayed by the allure of strength and control, Tama makes the fateful decision to pledge his soul to Hextor, becoming a devoted follower of the dark deity. The path ahead is fraught with peril, but for Tama, the promise of power outweighs the risk.   Meanwhile, Otto, in Vincent's chamber, discusses the unsettling events. Just as they finish, Ceric bursts into the room, interrupting before Vincent can drop the non-detection spell. Otto, sensing the tension, excuses himself. As the door closes behind him, he hears Ceric's harsh reprimands echoing through the hall, berating Vincent for his actions.


Outside, Quinn, still reeling from his encounter, prepares to confide in Otto. Before speaking, he decides to cast Detect Scrying, fearing unwanted ears. To his horror, he detects a small red orb, a malevolent eye upon them. Mustering his will, Quinn forces his mind into the orb, his consciousness plunging through the infernal layers of the Nine Hells—Avernus, Dis, beyond Malbolge—until he reaches the dark throne of Asmodeus himself.   Locked in a psychic battle, Asmodeus casts Slay Living upon Quinn. Despite the overwhelming power, Quinn holds firm, blood pouring from his mouth but his life force intact. Barely surviving, he regains his composure, the gravity of his encounter weighing heavily on him.   Back in Vincent's chambers, Ceric emerges, his devilish form towering as he looms over Vincent. "I was looking forward to wearing your skin, Vincent," he sneers, before slamming him to the ground. As Vincent crumples, Otto rushes in, casting a healing spell just in time, saving Vincent from certain death.   Suddenly, a voice echoes through the corridors. Jowan, no longer in his human guise, transforms into a magnificent nine-foot-tall alabaster-skinned angel. With a powerful charge, he collides with Ceric, their clash shattering the window as they crash into the daylight beyond.   Moments later, Jowan returns, his celestial form radiating authority. Using his Master Seal, he erases the memories of everyone in the Bastion, protecting them from the darkness that had infiltrated their sanctuary. However, unbeknownst to all, he leaves the party’s memories intact, entrusting them with the truth and a final message: meet him in Sigil.  

Travelling to Sigil

The party makes their way to Melharoun’s Gambling Den, a hidden haven where divine eyes cannot intrude. Within the dimly lit, smoky interior, the air buzzes with hushed conversations and the clinking of coins. It’s here, amidst the gamblers and shadows, that they meet Jowan—revealed now as a radiant angel, cloaked in human guise.   Gathered around a secluded table, Aurelion voice is low yet commanding as he shares the tale of the Bastion.  
  • Centuries ago, a demonic pestilance spread across the land near Vonsea
  • It spread across the Span and 7 Clerics banded together to push the demons back
  • The clerics prayed for an intervention, to which the god answered, but the pestilence would not be eraticated, only pushed back momentarily
  • They went to the one creature they knew could keep demons at bay, Asmodeus 
  • Asmodeus reckoned that the mortals had to do this on their own, and but he could teach them and steel their souls. But, the gods could not intervene. 
  • The gods agreed but no more than 66 devils could be in the Span at once. As payment, any evil soul that died in the Span,50% would be given to Hell as tribute. 
  • Pelor, Boccob, St. Cuthbert, Corellon Larethian, Ehlonna, Heironeous, and Kord agreed to the deal and signed. 
  • The barrier was errected, and the Bastion of Ascendance built. 
  • The 7 gods granted their power for the The Machina Divinity where the other 50% of souls of the evil doer would go. 
  • An angel and a devil would be at the heads of the bastion, every 10 years at the Ascension, if one was found to be breaking rules, they would swap places. 
  • Jowan has been at his post for 50 years. 
  • If Ceric knew Jowan was meeting with the party, he would be ousted. 
  • Jowan (Aurelion) knows that Vonsea is ready to make their move against the Bastion. And needs people in play to assist. 
  • Jowan read the writs, revealing they were a tally of souls for hell. Alice Sunero went to Levistus, Molly went to Dispater, and Quinn's sister went to Glasya as payment for saving the players lives when they received their scars. 

The Last Bastion

Otto Sunero

Otto, Hand of Pelor, Radiant Servant is a 18 year old Male Human and a level 14 Cleric.

Tama Dalkan

Tama Dalkan is a 33 year old Male Human and a level 13 Druid/1 Fighter Druid.

Rosemary Winter

Rosemary Winter is a year old Female Human and a level 4 Fighter.
Report Date
29 Jun 2024
Last Bastion Homepage

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