Livre 1, Session 1: Gathering the dead. Report

General Summary

Darja, on his pilgrimage, decided to track back to his initial steps to review his life with his new found knowledge. Arriving in Shyta-Thybaj, he was celebrated by his family in a great dinner. That night his rest was filled with dreams, one in particular showing him an half-elf wandering the city with his councillor, the dream then shifted to an aerial view of an island so big it stretched beyond the horizon and finally this island morphed into a field of war where battles, skimirshes and other covert actions were taking place. He inquired through all his connexions in the city and quickly found they had just arrived in the city and were being lodged at the Blessed Cat Bar, on the morrow he would go wait for them there.

Ash went back to Shyta-Thybaj to attend the mourning of his good friend and old-time acolyte under Henry DumbleDoor, Urafa the Gnome druidess. She was found dead in on of the affluents to the Jendasha River, near Koryth. While attending the event, he smelled a foreigner, an half-elf with the smell of death on him. He tracked the Elf back to the Blessed Cat Bar in the upper side of the city.

As Anarvis and Raknarun came into the city, they saw a diverseful cast of inhabitants, many of them waved salutes to them. They enquired around town for 3 or 4 days before finally locating where Kafen Endremin, the information came from the Temple of the Patient Arrow. They imediatly set out to meet the man Anarvis had to meet.

As Darja came into the Blessed Cat Bar, a pretty Fhokki woman entered, she stopped by the counter and went on to sit at a table next to Darja. The tavern keeper, an half-elf named Belstram Ruthermont, was happy to see him return to Shyta-Thybaj and offered him beer and food on the house. Darja, the woman and the barkeep were the only ones in the tavern. He waited in silence eating some bread and water.

An hour later, the half-elf entered the bar, following in the footsteps of his advisor, they sat at one of the large tables in the middle of the room. After waiting a few moments, Darja joined them and introduced himself, the Old Man was very quickly on the defensive, ready to unleash a spell. polite introductions were made. Then came in Ash who was quite inept socially and caused more confusion than hostility. At a moment or another during the scene, an hobgoblin woman came in and sat alone at a table nearby. Finally, the door opened for a Svimohz and his minotaur friend, whom walked straight to the Half-elf saying they had been looking for him. A fight almost instantly broke out before more details could be provided, the prince and his bodyguard did not want to be trapped.

Some discussion later, the half-elf prince, Kafen Endremin, proposed that they work for him for a year where they would be helping him achieve his goals. The hobgoblin suggested she'd be good to escort him and wanted to join in too. Little was know that she also hoped to escape her pursuers. The prince invited them to his room and presented a magical contract, the Dead Company Servitude Agreement. Much discussion was had and questions were raised on the articles present, the prince had to explain that the intent of the contract was to protect him from assassins and Kalamaran agents.

The Yendaj Cleric was the first to sign, followed by the Druid, the svimohz and the minotaur and finally the hobgoblin who was afraid of being exploited. They went back down, the prince ordered much food and whatever drinks were available as everyone left to spend their easily acquired gold. In the meantime, Mukli the hobgoblin went to explore the crack in the ground located norteast of town, while she was looking down there, a group of bandit came in the trapped her using crossbows.

While partying at the inn, people had begun arriving to enjoy their weekly brew. A young boy came in and delivered a paper on the table and ran outside as fast as possible:

We have your hobgoblin friend, if you want her alive, come to the large crevice in the ground northeast of the city.

The Dead Company set out to rescue Mukli while camouflaging Kafen's movements in the city. The bandit were a group of disorganised and amateur thieves, they had planned an ambush to ensure their victory but had not planned on having more than two people come. Once the fighting was done, the company learned that an anonymous person had paid so they would steal everything from the prince. A dozen dead body now laid at the bottom of the crevice, next to the giant skeleton.

The group moved a few miles out of the city and established a camp to rest until the next morning. They would be going north, until they reached a bridge and then move northeastward to reach the Rokk Woods. Ash was planning a stop in Thyreth and Petit Fashyr before entering the woods, he was confident he could move faster than anyone else in those woods.

Rewards Granted

Each new member of the Dead Company received 1500 gp upon signing the Dead Company Servitude Agreement. They are now operatives in the Dead Company.   Darja would have enrolled anyway at the beheast of his god.

Character(s) interacted with

Gramar Harukan and Kafen Endremin, the local population of Shyta-Thybaj, the bar owner of the Blessed Cat Bar and the local guild of thieves.

Whispers of adventures
Report Date
09 Jan 2023
Primary Location

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