Session 310 - The Coffin Maker Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 310 - The Coffin Maker

General Summary

3rd to 25th of Azura 726TR

The Story So Far

The heroes have destroyed a rare elemental monster, a Magma Scorpion, and given its fiery stinger to their friend, the dwarven enchanter Khâl. Khâl will use this to enchant their weapons.

This is the continuation of Session 308 - Night of the New Moon.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 – Entanglements

Dame Afaewynn, art by Artbreeder
The party has discovered that Dame Afaewynn Barthy's late husband, who died in a hunting accident, was actually murdered. The killer, Hankin of Symsone, confessed to the heroes and was blackmailed into working for them. The murder was paid for by the odious Sir Kathel Dezaller of Loban Manor (Refer to Session 300 - Moments of Honor.) Rycon, who has a close relationship with the female knight, sends a message asking for a meeting. She arrives in Tashal a few days later.

On learning that her husband was murdered, something that she has suspected for some time, Dame Afaewynn agrees to keep the details secret until the ringleaders can be brought to justice. As for the assassin Hankin, "She will deal justice at some time in the future."

On a more pleasant note, Rycon and friends accompany her back home to the Ovendel Manor and meet with her elderly father. Sir Edwin Barthy, the wheelchair-bound bailiff of the manor, is assisted by his daughter, who fills their liege lord's martial duties (the liege who happens to be the King). Dryueh discreetly questions the manor's household and learns that Sir Edwin is open to the marriage of his daughter and Rycon, although he would prefer to have an estate to support the family. With this in mind, Afaewyn accepts Rycon's proposal for marriage, although they will keep this secret for the time being. The party is hosted for a few days, and they return to Tashal, in Rycon's case, reluctantly.

Part 2 - Disturbance at the Church

A week later, Dryueh receives a message from Lady Bresyn Risai, a well-known wealthy socialite who secretly represents the Order of the White Hand. "There has been a disturbance at the Church of Eternal Harvest. Some people were injured and may need your medical skills". Dryueh is well aware the good priests and priestesses of Peoni are excellent healers and more than capable of dealing with most injuries, so there must be something else going on warranting investigation.

Maude, art by OpenArt
At the church they find half a dozen worshippers with minor but well-treated injuries. One of the worshippers, the cook and baker Maude of Myburne, went berserk, seizing the donation bowl, using it as a weapon, and screaming insanely, attacking everybody in sight. Maude is a big, strong woman, and although nobody was severely injured, there were plenty of cuts and bruises. This outburst is entirely out of character.

Maude is in the confessional sobbing and doesn't know what came over her. Valeria's Automatic Writing and Aura Reading show nothing amiss, as does Dryueh's medical examination of Maude. She is not suffering from any illness or drugs. Rycon notes that a nearby cupboard is ajar, and the locking mechanism has been popped with what is likely a claw hammer. On inspection, Bother Harwin tells the characters that the empty cupboard held Anointing Oil. This holy oil slows or stops the decomposition of corpses and prevents them from being animated by necromantic magics or possessed by evil spirits.

The party suspects magic was used to manipulate Maude and create a distraction while the anointing oils were stolen. Questioning the worshippers, they identify one suspect. Kilderbrant of Goltii, the coffin maker. He rarely worships at the temple but was present during the outburst and disappeared shortly after. The congregation noted that he was acting strange, slow to recognize some of his acquaintances.

Part 3 - At the Coffin Makers

The heroes arrive at the coffin maker shop to find his apprentice, Big Louii, an enormous halfwit talking to a disputable-looking man. They are told Kilderbrant is not in, but Big Louii proves to be a poor liar; when Kilderbrant name is mentioned, his eyes and body language unconsciously direct the characters to the ground. Dryueh convinces him that Kilderbrant needs urgent medical attention, so the dimwit shows the heroes to the stairs leading to the cellar. The disputable-looking man, Nongas, is a thieves' guild-hired muscle and is suspicious of the characters but takes no action.

Part 4 - Horrors

Sneaking down into the cellar, Valeria summons her Shadow Hound, and Druyeh hears movement, a grinding sound. In a side chamber, he spots Kilderbrant grinding some fragrant herbs with a mortar and pestle. Disturbingly, two corpses, preserved with anointing oil, lie nearby. Rycon is not as stealthy and makes a noise, alerting the coffin maker. Kilderbrant, investigating it, spots Dryueh and grabs his large hammer. Ignoring the request to talk, he attacks, his face displaying no emotion.

When Druyeh stikes Kilderbrant, he causes injuries, but the coffin maker responds strangely, looking as if he feels no pain. The heroes close around him, and Rycon attacks from behind. Then Kilderbrant glances at Rycon, and suddenly, the knight becomes Confused, showing the same symptoms that Maude did at the church, nearly killing Valeria's Shadow Hound in a savage series of attacks. The emotionless man then starts to pound Dryueh with his hammer while Valeria attempts to Paralyze Rycon, but this time, the knight easily withstands the magic. With no one nearby, he stabs his leg with his sword, and the pain breaks him free of the enchantment, only to be struck by another psionic attack, Paranoia. Feeling as though he has no friends and Dryueh and Valeria are planning to betray him, he returns to attacking Kilderbrant but offers no aid or support to his former friends and traitors. Kilderbrant's body is severely damaged but not bleeding; the party is sure it is dead. Valeria focuses her magic, and a green Chromatic Ray hits Kilderbrant. Acid strips the flesh from the left side of his body to the bone. The corpse falls to the ground, a shattered and half-dissolved mess.

As the heroes catch their breath, they hear a revolting cracking sound. The corpse's skull explodes, and sanding before the heroes is a dog-sized brain with four clawed legs, an Intellect Devourer. This horror tears into Dryueh and Rycon, rending flesh with its sharp claws. Regardless, Rycon delivers several well-paced strikes with his sword, and the abomination is badly injured. It attempts to retreat to one of the dead bodies, wanting a new host, but Rycon cuts the evil brain in half.

Part 5 - Wrapping Ups

One side passage off the cellar opens into the sewers. Nearby, in an alcove, with another preserved corpse, a backup body for the Intellect Devourer. Unfortunately, two large, horrific crustaceans guard it, Zombie Chuuls, which nearly massacre the wounded heroes, but they are eventually hacked to pieces.

With things in hand, the heroes show Big Louii and Nongas the remains of Kilderbrant and the brain. The shocked men will organize a cleanup. The good priests and priestesses of the temple of Peoni are told of the cause of Maude's insane outburst and will deal with it accordingly.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Dame Afaewynn Barthy.

Sir Edwin Barthy - Bailiff of Ovendel Manor and father of Dame Afaewynn.

Maud of Myburne - Cook and baker.

Nongas the Pilferer - Thieves Guild enforcer.

Big Louii - the Apprentice Coffin maker.


1 x Intellect Devourer.

2 x Chuul Zombies.


Some Healing Potions.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Order of the White Hand.

Player Characters

All characters gained a level.

Valeria - Human - L7 Shadow Sorcerer - Background Magical Experiment - Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L7 Fighter - Background Rebel Knight - Archetype - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L7 Thief Rogue - Background Scout - Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 311 - Broken Statues.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
10 Sep 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal

Hankin of Symsone

Woodcutter and killer for hire.

Hired Killer Hankin, art by Paizo

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