New Beginnings

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Glarynnidel
Highsummer 19th 325 | Full


  • Goblin Map
    unknown marks are scattered across this map (scale is undetermined)
  • Bran' Modan
Supporting Cast
  • Richard Garen
    An large imposing man that portrays that people should watch what they say near him. Standing 6'7" and weighing over 350 lbs which is evenly distributed over his massive frame.

Sessions Archive

29th Jan 2023

Session Zero: The Why of You

Character concept design and the background information related to the characters. This is an placeholder for R&D with the new Worldanvil Site. The date listed is not the date for the actual session

Life is never boring to say the least in the ill-fated hamlet of Garen's Well. Surrounded by mystery and misery the hamlet began under meager circumstances began to grow.   But, all changed when the sanitorium built across the lake to house those from Nightingale, suffered a tragedy. Many patients and caretakers died, went missing and the land around the sanitorium turned dark and decaying.   Ten years later fortune was found deep within an old copper mine outside of Nightingale. However, darkness soon followed the fortune. A series of grisly murders began within Nightingale. A few up and coming heroes of Nightingale set of to stop these murders and got tangled up into a dark web of intrigue. When they themselves were found murdered near a farmhouse outside Nightingale.   News from the south report that the Empire of Tahnyth is on the verge of falling. The Holy Order of Daedalus launched a war from the western front against the Empire, becoming the first country to break away from the empire. Led by the Archdiocese Rodrigo Borgio and his Holy Order of Knights.   The nation of Revenia the recently acquired nation began a revolt as they are a deeply religious nation. Open rebellion and war in the south would typically have very little affect on the region. The stability of Tahnyth kept nations in relatively peace.   However, with the recent acquisition of a mithril mine and all eyes are looking towards this frontier land that has remained contested for nearly 100 years. May urge any hostile action against Nightingale and the region of Bran' Modan.   The region that once was mostly peaceful and allowed to work and live how they wished is now under threats internal and external.   What caused the people to suddenly go mad in Nightingale?   What happened in the sanitorium?   Is the murderer still within Nightingale?   Does the Witches of Blood Wood have anything to do with the incidents?   Is there an evil that lurks beneath the ancient lands on Bran' Modan?   Will stability be regained once again in the south?   What role will you play in this dark fantasy world filled with rising empires, ancient and forgotten civilizations, where politics and power decides the fate of the people of the world?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Riversong Spiritdancer

Level .

Brandus Chandler