Serenity Falls Mental Asylum

The view of the Serenity Falls Mental Asylum from across Lake Garen is both eerie and ominous. The building stands tall and imposing against the backdrop of the surrounding woods, its Gothic architecture and ornate spires casting long shadows on the still waters of the lake. The asylum appears to be in a state of disrepair, with many of its windows broken or boarded up, and the stonework of the building showing signs of wear and neglect. The heavy fog that often surrounds the building only adds to the eerie atmosphere, obscuring the details of the structure and lending an otherworldly quality to the view.   Despite its dilapidated appearance, the asylum still retains a certain sense of menace and foreboding, as if it is watching and waiting for unsuspecting travelers to approach. Many who have gazed upon the building from across the lake report feeling a sense of unease and dread, as if the asylum itself is alive with malevolent intent.

Purpose / Function

Serenity Falls Mental Asylum was a short-lived facility located on the western side of Daltry Woods and northeast of Garen's Well, across Lake Garen on its shores. It was initially built to house patients from the nearby Town of Nightingale, but it quickly gained a reputation for being a place of darkness and madness. Patients admitted to the asylum began to experience strange phenomena, including murmuring and talking coming from the shadows, movement within the darkness, and strange whispers heard in and around Nightingale.


The architecture of the asylum is Gothic in style, featuring pointed arches, ornate spires, and detailed stonework. The building is made of sturdy stone blocks that have weathered the elements over the years and now appear to be worn and cracked.
The main entrance to the asylum is an imposing double-door made of heavy wood, reinforced with metal bands and bolts. Above the entrance, a large stained-glass window depicts scenes of torment and suffering, adding to the ominous atmosphere of the building.
  Inside, the asylum is a maze-like network of hallways, rooms, and cells, designed to keep the patients confined and controlled. Many of the walls are made of thick stone blocks, and the floors are covered in dark and worn wood. The lighting is dim and eerie, with flickering torches and candles casting long shadows on the walls.
The patient cells are cramped and sparsely furnished, with only a thin mattress and a chamber pot for comfort. The larger treatment rooms are equipped with restraints, surgical tools, and other devices used to subdue and control the patients. The atmosphere inside the asylum is oppressive and suffocating, with a constant feeling of dread and danger permeating every corner of the building.


The history of the Serenity Falls Mental Asylum is a dark and troubling one. The facility was built in the dark ages to house the mentally ill and disturbed from the surrounding area, with the goal of providing them with a safe and therapeutic environment. However, the asylum quickly gained a reputation for being a place of darkness and madness. Rumors began to circulate about the cruel and inhumane treatment of the patients within the asylum, with reports of beatings, torture, and neglect. Patients were often subjected to cruel experiments and treatments, with little regard for their well-being or dignity. Over time, the asylum became a place of terror and suffering, with patients living in constant fear of the staff and the treatments they were forced to endure.
  As the years went on, the asylum's reputation only grew worse. Reports of strange phenomena and unexplained occurrences began to surface, with patients and staff reporting seeing and hearing things that defied explanation. Some patients went missing or were found dead under mysterious circumstances, adding to the growing sense of unease and dread surrounding the facility.
  In 315 AC, a sudden and mysterious occurrence plunged the asylum into chaos. The woods surrounding the facility turned dark and withered, and a heavy fog settled around the building. Patients began to age rapidly and die or vanish without a trace, while staff members went mad or disappeared themselves. Despite attempts to investigate the cause of the sudden decline, no clear explanation was ever found.
  Today, the Serenity Falls Mental Asylum stands as a dark and foreboding reminder of the horrors that once took place there. The building is abandoned, and the surrounding woods are said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who suffered and died within its walls. Few dare to venture near the asylum, and those who do rarely return unchanged.
Many who have ventured into the woods report feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and danger, as if they are being watched by unseen eyes.
Some of the creatures rumored to lurk near the ruins of Serenity Falls include although many never venture close enough to confirm these rumors.
  Shadow beasts: These creatures are said to be made of pure darkness, able to move swiftly and silently through the woods. They are often reported to be attracted to light and sound, and are known to prey upon unsuspecting travelers.
  Wendigo: These malevolent spirits are said to haunt the woods around Serenity Falls, luring travelers into their grasp with their eerie calls and whispers. They are known to possess those who fall under their spell, driving them to madness and violence.
  Will-o'-the-wisps: These ghostly lights are said to float through the woods around Serenity Falls, leading travelers off the path and into danger. Those who follow the lights are often never seen again.
  Ghosts: The ruins of the asylum are said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who suffered and died there. These spirits are often reported to be malevolent and vengeful, seeking to harm those who dare to enter their domain.
315 AC
Founding Date
307 AC
Parent Location