Session 50: Manshoonian Candidate Report

General Summary

The party finds themselves being escorted from Castle Waterdeep, situated on a Mount Waterdeep, high over the city itself. They are escorted by a young guard to the gates. He tells them that popping into a dungeon cell today of all days was particularly bad because they had an inmate go missing recently. Through some "encouragement" the party manages to get him to reveal that Urstul Floxin, a member of the Zhentarim mysteriously vanished from his cell the day before. He's heard that they're questioning guards to see if they had anything to do with it.

Davil Starsong tells the party that corruption and Waterdeep go hand in hand. Many officials, guards, and leaders in the city are in someone's pocket. Cameron Overholt begins questioning everyone who they're in league with as the party descends back to the city. They see the giant walking statues of Waterdeep as they travel.

The party heads back to Trollskull Alley with Ziraj in tow. He's planning to visit Fala Lefaliir. Gary, the Awakened rat, Davil, and Yagra Stonefist all split off from the party and say their farewells. The Doom Raiders remind the party to let them know if they need assistance with Neverember's Enigma.

The party eventually makes their way back to Trollskull Manor and Tavern where they find a very tired and annoyed Lillian Haekin. She has spent the last 24+ hours looking after their children...again. She's taking the day off...maybe tomorrow as well. She also informs the party they over overtime and hazard pay. Caelynn Amastacia pipes up that maybe she should stay with the children for the time being while the rest of the party is looking for the money.

Upstairs the party discovers Nat, Squiddly, Jenks, and Martem Trec have caused a good amount of chaos in the rest of the house. As they inspect the damage, Runt Thundermount sees today's broadsheet which details an attack on Cassalanter Villa. The party decides to head to speak to Lord Victoro Cassalanter and Lady Ammalia Cassalanter to find out what happened.

At Cassalanter villa, the party learns that someone tried to break into the Cassalanter home. The intruders mentioned the stone and that they may have been after their children in an attempt to scare the family away from finding the money. They don't know how these people knew of the Stone of Golorr since they've told no one. The party realizes perhaps they've told a fair amount of people about the stone...

Luckily, they were able to send someone to follow the intruders, though they did not have enough guards left to do anything. Lord Cassalanter gives the party an address where the intruders fled. The party heads out and discuss what to do next. They decide to see what Vincent Trench, their local investigator has found out regarding Fenerus Stormcastle, the man who the Zhentarim wanted dead. Trench tells them that Stormcastle is still alive, but he believes the man's home is a drop point. He saw a drow in disguise stop by momentarily. It looks like they exchanged something. He had the drow followed. He went to a theater called The Seven Masks. He also learned that the drow have a connection with Sea Maiden's Faire.

The party hire Vincent Trench again, asking him to investigate the theater for 48 hours. Trench, not a fan of the theater, agrees reluctantly for 25 gold. As the party head out they notice a massive humanoid entering their tavern. They pop their heads in and discover Augustus Montgomery du Pont III, a huge humanoid hippo man, who was sent by Rishaal to possibly tutor the children. He wears a blunderbuss at his hip and is very boisterous. The party enthusiastically hires him for 4 gp a week (with a one week trial period).

The party heads to speak to Mirt. He's not at home but his butler suggests trying The Yawning Portal. They head there and find him talking to Durnan. The party mentions Kolat Towers and the name Jarlaxle Baenre. Mirt knows of Jarlaxle and is wary to know he's in Waterdeep presently. They tell him Jarlaxle and his band stole something from them. They tell Mirt Ulvira Snowveins' message. He seems disturbed that he didn't know she was sent on assignment to Skullport and says he will check on her. He mentions leadership in his group lagged while he was missing for so long. In fact, he wonders if the group is interested in joining the Harpers. He'd heard from Renaer Neverember that they were dependable. The Harpers are interested in keeping tabs on those in power and making sure no one gains too much power. They are committed to equality and freedom. The party is interested, but can't commit right now. Mirt gives them an address where he's heard someone is keeping poisons smuggled into Waterdeep if they're interested.

The party hangs out in the Portal for a while until Davil and Yagra appear. They tell them about Kolat Towers and the force field. They've determined you need a pass amulet to get through it. Davil says Manshoon's lieutenants would probably have them. They realize they've killed some lieutenants already. They recall they took an amulet off Avareen in the interrogation house when they "saved" Ott Steeltoes. They ask the Doom Raiders to help them break into Kolat Towers. Davil hesitates for barely an instant, but agrees. Runt asks briefly about membership to the Doom Raiders. Davil says they've proven themselves and would be welcome to join Zhentarim. He tells them the Zhentarim are a family and the best mercenaries money can buy. They are in it for money and power and a Zhent should never be less than what they deserve to be. The party quickly realizes the Harpers and Zhentarim are two factions in direct conflict.

The party and the Doom Raiders sit down to plan their break in. As they go over the map they found in the Xanathar's Lair, Davil mentions that Manshoon is not a person to trifle with lightly. They're in for a hell of a fight...

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Told Mirt about his agent in Skullport
  • Discovered you had a pass-amulet to Kolat Towers

Character(s) interacted with

Have two addresses you could follow up on:

  • intruders that attacked Cassalanter villa
  • people possibly bringing poison into Waterdeep - give by Mirt

Related Reports

Kolat Towers was referenced in A Briefing for the Xanathar concerning the Grand Game. Cameron learned the following based on his research:

  • It's an old tower that once belonged to two brothers, both wizards, named Duhlark and Alcedor Kolat.
  • Duhlark became paranoid as he got older and encased the towers in a magical force field.
  • The brothers had a falling out. Alcedor left the city, but Duhlark became a recluse. No one saw him again. He could possibly have died within the tower.


  • Martem discovered that your resident ghost's name is "Lif"

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