5/22 - Into the Petal Court Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

5/22 - Into the Petal Court

General Summary

Party spends a few days in Ebonait recuperating after their travel.
They spend several days carousing through town and resting at an inn.
  Duo and Thovak spend some time searching for a magic item shop.
Notably, there are few/no magic item shops within Ebonait.
The pair find a single shop operated out of a dragonkin's home deep in Lower Burgund.
When asked, the dragonkin informs the pair that while Ebonait has an incredibly rich supply of materials, the Ebonati people lack significant magical capacity.
Duo and Thovak purchase mundane material components for various magical crafting they need to do.
  The party asks around about The Mockery.
Most people are familiar with the deity, many pray to him before going to battle or sea.
Ebonaiti people worship dozens of deities throughout the day based on where they are, what they're doing, and the deity's domain.
The party are directed to the Order of the Knowing Quill for more information relating to The Mockery.
The archives contain plenty of information about the deity himself, such as his backstory, domain, and pantheon. There is no evidence in the archive about The Mockery of Life or any advanced cult to The Mockery.
  The party heads to the Feywild.
Snapping the twig given to them by Lady Timber, they are greeted by the Autumn Eladrin Whispa.
Wispa escorts the group through the portal to the Feywild and answers their questions.
They emerge in a DMZ between two large, lush forests. Wispa informs the party that The Petal Court holds claim over the smaller of the two forests.
  The party heads into The Petal Court's domain.
One uneventful day passes, as the party carefully treks through the overgrown jungle, avoiding conflict with any creatures they come across.
On the second day, the party notices a sleeping Dandylion upon a boulder.
Unable to avoid the blocked path, the party manages to sneak past the sleeping beast.
After they pass, two additional Dandylions emerge from the overgrowth and tend to the area using their nature affinity.
  The party is ambushed by an Eladrin scouting party.
Gramlek feels a wave of supernatural joy as the party travels deeper into the domain, but resists the urge he feels.
The party's alarms start going off as they are ambushed from behind by a group of Eladrin scouts.
Combat ensues, with the Eladrin and their Pixie swarms attempting to charm, confuse, and otherwise hinder the partymembers.
All Pixies and one Eladrin are defeated, with the final remaining Eladrin surrendering before death with an "I'm dead either way."

Rewards Granted

  • 2000 EXP/PC for defeating the Eladrin scouting party.

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
23 May 2023
Primary Location

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