4/17 - Purging the Spoiled Temple of Helm Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

4/17 - Purging the Spoiled Temple of Helm

General Summary

Party entered the soiled Temple of Helm, investigating its contents.
A dark alter stood in a place of power within the temple, replacing the missing alter to Helm.
Specters wearing priestly robes moved about the temple interacting with missing/broken bookshelves, reading non-existent tomes, and offering worship at the dark alter.
Specters did not respond to the party. 
  Party used the enchanted handbell to determine to determine the origin of the dark energy.
Party triangulated the point to be within one wall on the far side of the temple.
Sylvie tilted the handbell upright, and further proved that the origin point was actually on the roof.
  Party climbed the old wooden ladder to the roof to investigate the bellfry.
Investigation, magical detection, and identification confirmed that the church bell itself was the origin of the dark energy.
Party debated how to proceed. (Destroy, disenchant, steal, eat, etc.)
Thovak, summoning the divine energy of Akadi, managed to successfully disenchant the church bell.
Party rung the newly disenchanted bell, releasing the specters of their eternal imprisonment and ending the source of the dark energy.
  Party took a rest at the Temple of Helm and debated their next steps.
Should they continue searching for the cult of The Mockery that set these events in motion?
Should they return to Skagi, head to Tradefront, or make their way to Qadis?
  Party headed toward Tradefront, taking the relatively safe path South of Undreig's primary territory.
Party traveled for several days unmolested.
After six days, the party was ambushed in a small thicket.
  Two Eladrin emerged from the woods to either side of the party.
Surrounding each were a pack of several dozen Pixies.
The fae approached in utter silence before announcing themselves.
Darnath attempted to draw steel at the faes' approach, but was quickly and immediately immobilized by one fae's magic.
Duo and Sylvie entered into conversation with the two fae.
The Eladrin were sent by Lady Timber, leader of The Timber Throne, to retrieve her property for a meeting.
Her property being "the one bound to her will by both word and action," in this case Darnath, bearer of Lady Timber's curse.
Duo and Darnath (now unfrozen) engaged in debate with the fae as to the conditions of said meeting.
After much discussion, all parties agreed to a peaceful meeting in the near future at a place of Lady Timber's choosing.
"All parties guarantee the other safe passage to and from the meeting, and all participants will maintain sanctity of both mind and body during the discussion.
The Eladrin and their Pixies left, disappearing back into the woods as quickly as they had emerged.
  Party continued to Tradefront, arriving to a city expanded and improved.
Noticeable immediately, the number of town guards has increased dramatically as have their equipment and training.
Guards in teams of two patrol all roads into town day and night in order to prevent any new attacks like the one perpetrated by the Brenican mercenaries.
The rowhouses in 'New Tradefront' West of the river have been repaired and expanded after the attack.
The farmlands West of the river have been fully irrigated and are experiencing much higher yields than before.
The road into town from the West, as well as the main plaza, have been completely repaved.
The fishermen in the river are seen using more nets and baskets to harvest fish faster without impeding water transport.
  Party consulted Captain Jarvis Odannon about the changes.
Goggguk is responsible for a great deal of the changes in town.
With his newly-heightened intellect, physical might, and general popularity amongst the townsfolk, he has inspired great change throughout Tradefront.
  Party rested in Tradefront and mopped up any lingering issues.
Darnath retrieved the Owlbear pelts he ordered several months ago.
Duo grilled Goggguk on the mental and emotional changes brought upon by the Helm of Intellect.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Spoiled Temple of Helm
  • Darnath's Pelts

Character(s) interacted with

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
17 Apr 2023
Secondary Location

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