Iltiari | World Anvil

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get their pronouns right or get fucked

Played by
eldritchbajablast   here is my wattpad where i post stuff abt my characters yyyyeeee

Wed 19th Feb 2020 06:34

this sucks so fucking much

by Iltiari

Everything smells like ammonia. It smells like- no WORSE- than Bell's stupid little cat specifically his PISS. IT SMELLS. LIKE CAT PISS. BECAUSE OF THAT DISGUSTING SCOURGE.
A scourge aasimar is just a protector aasimar with acid reflux. And protector aasimars are idiotic weak-willed CHILDREN who do not have the mental fortitude to release themselves from their sham gods and devas and pursue a path that they forge for THEMSELVES for GREATER PURPOSE than whatever their SELFISH LYING USELESS NARCISSISTIC INFERIOR MASTERS COULD EVER CONJURE UP FOR THEIR PATHETIC SELVES!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID PROTECTORS AND DISGUSTING ARROGANT SCOURGE!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID DISGUSTING ARROGANT STUPID SELFISH LYING STUPID [illegible words, and places where a pen stabbed through the paper, and much crinkling and tearing]
She smells like cat piss. Maybe I should make her smell like cat piss to everyone ELSE so that they will understand what they are dealing with and be wary. As if they could not have noticed the way that awful woman addressed me- as an it. An IT. It is one thing that not even Damiel can bother to address me correctly most of the time, and now there is another whose sole purpose seems to be to disrespect me. It is just the same as it has ever been, before He took me into his arms- er... tentacles. I was never seen as myself; just an extension of whoever had control over me. And still, even after releasing myself from my deva's grasp and escaping my selfish, useless kin, is it not the same? Is this to always be what I find in this world- to be misgendered, disrespected, always 'othered'? I wish He would explain why, WHY I am here. I wish He would take me away from here, sometimes...
Oh, yes. We killed the mage. Rimaia did. Good for her. So he is out of the way, and that is one step further to the final goal of uh, saving, the world...? If there is no world, or if the world becomes overrun with demons, Cthulhu cannot easily manipulate it to his will, SO.
The scourge seems to be after the same person as us, but if she thinks she will interrupt our methods- MY method, of casting every enemy into an endless black void- then she is mistaken. She did not seem to want me to kill Tazra but I will if given the chance. I do not have the patience for sparing lives I know do not deserve to be spared.
That motherfucker killed my Baby. It is okay, I can do the ritual again. And he will be Snombay again... so small... so squishy and cold.... lovely.

Iltiari's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Iltiari's history, from the beginning to today.

this sucks so fucking much

Everything smells like ammonia. It smells like- no WORSE- than Bell's stupid little cat specifically his PISS. IT SMELLS. LIKE CAT PISS. BECAUSE OF THAT DISGUSTING SCOURGE. A scourge aasimar is just a protector aasimar with acid reflux. And protector a...

06:34 am - 19.02.2020


I WAS ON THE CEILING uh ahem Anyway. We finally came face to face with the mage that has been causing us so much trouble and has been summoning demons and all of his other awful mage stuff, thanks to an entirely bizarre incident of humans getting tu...

02:30 am - 18.02.2020

okay so i got attacked by a hummingbird so what man so WHAT

IT WAS A HUMMINGBIRD WITH SUPER RABIES. Anyway. Another day of vaguely dangerous and embarrassing situations. But you know what I got? A baguette and a brioche. And those were fucking good. I cannot taste a lot of food because well I do not know eve...

09:26 pm - 04.02.2020

haha aw shit

Something dreadful is brewing in Aerenal. The past twenty-four-- forty-two? more than that?-- hours have been... eye-opening. I am not sure what conclusions to draw from them. We found a tavern in the middle of the woods and, like true instigators of s...

11:41 pm - 25.01.2020

[i also made them in lily story lmao the skin color is suuuuper off but.. once again it is abt the essence/idea of iltiari. ft their thot ass brother constantin]

06:53 am - 09.12.2019

[i made this in the monster girl maker app (even tho iltiari is not a girl) its not like... exact... but its their essence yknow]

06:50 am - 09.12.2019

[iltiari but masc, with crab]

06:45 am - 09.12.2019


It is dawn. I am awake. For the first time since my pact with Him I slept the whole night through with no interruptions. Not only did I not awaken but I did not see His visions like I usually do- they were in my peripheral, cloudy and barely visible. I wa...

07:29 am - 07.12.2019

I cannot sleep so I will write I guess

Every night in my dreams I feel my hand stretching out toward my true purpose- not my good hand, even, but my fake one, my new one. The one with His magic, His power flowing through it. In my dreams, I reach my fingers out toward that swirl of darkness an...

05:03 am - 25.11.2019

Played by
eldritchbajablast   here is my wattpad where i post stuff abt my characters yyyyeeee

Other Characters by eldritchbajablast