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Bellie Stoutleg

Neutral Good Halfling (Hermit)
Bard 3
21 / 21 HP

A slightly brawny young halfling woman raised in a hermitage by her mother. She has a keen interest in music and derives spiritual delight creating experimental music with improvised instruments and her sweet voice. Bellie uses the nickname Groover.

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Sat 6th Feb 2021 06:12

A Voyage from Beyond Death

by Bellie Stoutleg

I awoke in a small cot, my weak and frail body just sentient enough to feel the now familiar rocking motion of a ship at sea. At first I couldn't move, only able to shift my gaze back and forth around the tiny wooden chamber in which I lay. Over a couple more days, complete numbness gave way to painful aches that surged through my my whole body, yet these were somehow assuring to me... a sign that I was still alive. Or rather, that I was alive once again.
I ....had.... died. The last thing I remembered was an arctic blast of ice and wind that completely overtook me as I tried to hide myself in a magically produced cloud of fog. We were... fighting. Torsten and I, and Wolfgar? But why were we fighting? Who were we fighting? Alec Ger. We saw him in a field hemmed in by a circular stone wall on most sides and a cliff drop-off into a rushing river on one side. But we didn't actually fight Alec Ger. That's right. He grabbed Wolfgar and disappeared with him, leaving Torsten and I to fight off three or four soldiers. And then a magic user came to join the fray... He must have been the source of that icy blast. I remember the soldiers all descending upon doing my best to defend myself.... I put one of them to sleep.... but I remember feeling trapped in by these men with their swords, taking gashes out of my skin... and on the brink of death I summoned that cloud of fog as a final effort to survive.
But how did we get to the field?...That's right, we had been in the Forevale Priory. I had turned invisible and snuck into the Hoofenshatz Mall, while Wolfgar and Torsten pretended to be tourists interested in looking at some ancient texts. But I triggered an alarm when I tried to open a shining magical door in the furthest back section of that restricted treasure trove of artifacts. That was where there seemed to be the most promise of finding one of the evangelii, even though Dirge had failed to find one here. I managed to sneak out of that dungeon before they locked it up again, but at that point the entire Priory was placed on lockdown, and we were not allowed to leave while the break-in was being investigated. That is when that mysterious elf, the one who had delivered us Dirge's letter, came to us saying that he knew a way out, but it may be a trap. It seemed like he was earnestly trying to help us, but alas, it was a trap. That was where we stumbled into the portal that led us to the field where Alec Ger was waiting for us.
So no evangelus. No Wolfgar. Or Dirge. Or Mel. Just me and my pain. As I try to slowly regain my capacity for motion.
...And Torsten. The day that I regained consciousness he stepped into this little room to lean over me and talk to me. It was he who brought me back. Well, actually a powerful cleric in Ludde brought me back, with divine healing magic that I had no idea existed. But he had finished the fight against the mage and the last remaining soldiers, scooped up my completely frozen corpse, and carried it around the city of Emmaugh till he was able to find such a cleric. The magic worked, but took some time before taking its effect. So once again, he took my limp unconscious body and carried it all the way across the continent to Eastport, and made accommodations for me on this ship, which is now headed towards Down. I think it would make me laugh if it wasn't making me cry-- remembering all of those annoying little jokes about being my Da. He has truly cared for me like the father I never had. I am deeply grateful.
A few more days have passed on this ship, and most of the pain and achiness in my body has subsided. I can get out of bed and walk around, though I still feel week, perhaps mostly from all this inactivity over the course of almost two weeks. But now that this miraculous healing has nearly taken its full effect, Torsten approached me to talk seriously about what we may face as we head towards the Council where the new Archrector. We do in fact possess one of the evangelii! It is in the form of a long tube, of a similar size to a scroll case; though he warned me that touching it could be fatal, or lead to the same insanity that consumed some members of the past fellowship. He was able to locate it by following a lead Dirge had left him, again by letter, this time delivered by Helena. He found it at the estate of Steele of Emmaugh. Dirge reported that he himself had located another evangelus in Ludde, and that he would meet us at Down Cathedral. Yet, just two will not suffice to save the Blue Rose. We go to the council practically empty-handed, and with precious little time before the Rose's last petals fall.
Yet perhaps the eternal Rose will guide us somehow to find the other two.
Torsten reminded me of another important thing we overheard back at the Hoofenschatz. Prior Dannien expressed astonishment that the someone would try to break into the mall and tamper with the door, given that the evangelus had already been stolen. As far as we could tell, this could mean one of two things... Either Alec Ger anticipated our arrival and so hid or took the evangelus himself in advance, using Dirge's break-in as a scapegoat for its disappearance, OR Dirge himself had lied to us about failing to find the Evangelus. Torsten was highly suspicious of Dirge, and insisted we form a contingency plan to plant the final evangelus on my person while reporting to the rest of the group that Torsten had it, allowing me to go invisible and escape with it if it became necessary. I have to say, for my part I don't think Dirge would lie to us about not having found the evangelus. He lies about many things, and has behaved like a scoundrel in many ways, much to my distress, yet I'm convinced that he is completely committed to the success of our mission. If anything, it seems to me that it is his zeal for completing our task that has motivated some of the evils he has descended to and dragged us all into during this trip. That, and a fervent desire for self-preservation from death or imprisonment. And by the report of his letters, he has been trying harder to avoid these same evils as he continued on ahead of us. On the other hand, Alec Ger showed himself to be in opposition to our mission by kidnapping Wolfgar and sending soldiers to attack and kill us. It is amazing to reflect that I have come to trust a roguish thief's word over a vicar of the ecclesia, but this is what I've come to, through witnessing first hand the terrible corruption that seems to have taken over the souls of so many of the Ecclesia's highest ranking churchmen. Torsten does not seem fully convinced, and I am willing to be cautious with him if we succeed in meeting up with Dirge at Down, but I think if we have any hope at all of averting the great catastrophe of emerging planes or whatever doom comes to pass if the blue rose dies, it will be important for us all to work together.
Tomorrow we make port in Down. May the great Rose help us and reveal all that is still hidden!

Bellie's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Bellie's history, from the beginning to today.

A Voyage from Beyond Death

I awoke in a small cot, my weak and frail body just sentient enough to feel the now familiar rocking motion of a ship at sea. At first I couldn't move, only able to shift my gaze back and forth around the tiny wooden chamber in which I lay. Over a couple ...

06:12 am - 06.02.2021


We spent the last three days trekking with the remaining 30 or so refugees back to the abbey, where I felt the monks would likely give them shelter and care for as long as they needed. Abbot Manfred was quite generous in taking them in. Mel received a let...

02:03 am - 28.01.2021

Terror in Matten

When we arrived in Matten, it became clear that the 'price' Torsten had negotiated for our passage was to escort a cart full of crates to a warlord named Giorvana. This had me nervous because the warlords of these desert lands have long been a source of ...

10:35 pm - 24.01.2021

Homeward Bound

4/22-- 4 days of mostly uneventful travel have passed. I spent most of my time in the day practicing this new cittern, It is a way for me to momentarily escape my troubled conscience, to focus on something apart from the horrible things we've done and...

10:42 pm - 18.01.2021

Homeward Bound

4/18-- Having already used up the only Invisibility spell that my cittern allows me to cast daily yesterday, we had to wait until I could get a good night's rest to put into action the plan to free Wolfgar from the Magistrate's. I concentrated on the s...

10:41 pm - 18.01.2021

Scattered in Northport

The morning after sinking the vicar's ship, we made the rest of the journey to Northport on foot. It seemed that rumor of our involvement in the ship's destruction, and perhaps even in Dolmitian's death had reached authorities before us. Otis is most like...

08:36 am - 16.01.2021


Boarding Domition's ship and setting sail at the beginning of the day. Offering to lift the crew's spirits with a musical performance below deck. Cut the performance short when Dirge and I heard the clamor of fighting on upper deck...Two monstrous sea h...

10:16 pm - 05.01.2021

Shame of Heroism

King Ginlear brought in. More of his forces executed IN the cathedral. Ginlear will be the first sacrifice to the guidestone. Our group are celebrated as heroes, but I feel far from being a hero. If anything it seems like we've enabled the cruelty and bru...

02:37 pm - 29.11.2020

The Cathedral in Wartime/Quest for the guidestone

4/14- Spent the day in the cathedral. It doesn't seem like prisoners are being treated well here, and I get the sense that Vicar Dalmation is actually quite ruthless in his attitude towards non-Downians and heretics. This makes me a little uneasy about wo...

02:27 pm - 29.11.2020

Fighting our way through the City

Arrived safely at Cathedral of Down, with the aim of getting safe passage out of town under the Church's protection. Instead we received a mission from Vicar Dalmation to attain the 'guidestone.' We are spent after a day's fighting and will wait until tom...

02:23 pm - 29.11.2020

An Afternoon in Shale/ Sudden Violence

Visit to the Cathedral with Torsten/ Check-in at the Dallyballow Inn Riots and chaos break out as we hear that the Shalick government is ordering Downian Church are being put to death! By a stroke of luck, Dirge was able to find us after the other thre...

02:20 pm - 29.11.2020

The Road Back to Shale

Spent the full day travelling overland, through the Forfitall Forest (?). [b]Encounter[/b] a couple of backwoods bandits caught Torsten in a trap in a clearing just before the river and then started fighting the rest of us. Our group took them down but, ...

02:09 pm - 29.11.2020

Arrival in Accland

4/10- Arrival in Accland As I entered town, I started to hear news from people about war on the horizon--ships from Stratis Empire ambushing Downian ships, and an invasion on this very continent, I believe it was Boleclaw, coming from Frent. As for my ...

01:59 pm - 29.11.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bellie.

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