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Scattered in Northport

by Bellie Stoutleg

The morning after sinking the vicar's ship, we made the rest of the journey to Northport on foot. It seemed that rumor of our involvement in the ship's destruction, and perhaps even in Dolmitian's death had reached authorities before us. Otis is most likely the reason for this, since he was the only one left alive who witnessed Dirge murdering the unconscious vicar; but it seems possible any of the sailors might have pieced things together as well. Still outside Northport, Dirge and I scouted ahead to try to figure out the safest way to enter the town (Dirge using magic to disguise himself as a woman and sweet talk a guard), We were stopped by a guard seemingly on the lookout for people of our basic description. Torsten fled the scene immediately, whereas they took in Wolfgar, but a little coin offered to the guard by Dirge (and then stolen back), was enough to persuade him not to take the rest of us in.
Quite suddenly, as I was watching the guard lead Wolfgar away and following behind at a distance, my mind was transported to this unusual place of peace. It was some kind of a vision, and almost seemed to come as an answer to my prayer from the previous night. Though I felt I was quite a while in that transported place, I snapped back to reality as though no time had passed.
In the afternoon, Mel, Dirge and I split up throughout the city with different errands planning to get back together at the cathedral to hatch a plan to break Wolfgar out of the magistrate's office. Mel stayed at the cathedral across from the magistrate's to have his leg healed (injured in the escape from the ship)... Dirge went to arrange sea travel for us in the morning to flee quickly from Northport, and I went to try to speak with Urdick at Dagwood Hospital. My errand proved fruitless, and more dangerous than I expected, since the instant I asked the Dagwood security guard about Urdick, he started to suspect me of his murder, as he had just been found dead not a quarter of an hour before my arrival! I was almost taken to a magistrate but managed to escape with the help of my cittern, using it for the first time to make myself invisible.
Dirge's errand had been more successful, by his report, and as it turned out, Torsten had already had the same idea and booked passage to Westport on the same ship. During that time, Mel managed to get his leg healed back to normal. When we got back together, we started to formulate a plan to try to get Wolfgar free from the magistrate's office, and Dirge and I went to a magic shop to purchase something to help with this plan... A little magic bag that can somehow hold a seemingly unlimited amount of objects, of just about any size. The shop took a lot longer to find than I expected--we did nearly two hours of walking there and back! I had no idea how large a city Northport is!...* In the morning, as soon as I can get a good night's rest, and use my invisibility again, we will try to get Wolfgar free.