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Arrival in Accland

by Bellie Stoutleg

4/10- Arrival in Accland
As I entered town, I started to hear news from people about war on the horizon--ships from Stratis Empire ambushing Downian ships, and an invasion on this very continent, I believe it was Boleclaw, coming from Frent.
As for my quest, Lodgings prepared for me at the Red Feather Inn, where I met the other four people selected for the job: Mel, Dirge, Wolfgar and Torsten. We were barely getting through introductions when a man introducing himself as Spot came to take us to John Deher. Spot disappeared immediately after leaving the room where we were gathered
Encounter 8 or so guards, looking rather aggressive. To my shock, Torsten and then all the others started shooting and swinging at them, killing many of them, before we even got the chance to find out what they were doing or what they wanted at the Red Feather. When asked why they were menacing us, another said, 'Cause we heard you've got money' or something to that effect. So our group kept fighting them, meanwhile they were throwing swords at us and trying to beat up on Mel, the knightly fellow in the group. Wolfgar discovered Spot in the corner and shook him awake after all but one of the guards were killed (the other was merely knocked unconscious), and then Spot suddenly pulls out a dagger to attack him. Apparently he was an imposter. Most likely the guards were too, and all of them in cahoots.
Two other ominous details-- I could smell death in rooms near to mine on the second floor when I went up to gather my things, preparing to leave from the Inn.
A conversation overheard in another room b/tw the Vicar Kalleny and another deep mysterious voice, who was talking about making the gods fall, and then struck the vicar with a deadly blow before escaping. None of our group gave pursuit but instead waited to report to the guards about this.
I stayed with Mel at the inn, waiting to question the unconscious 'guard, while meanwhile the other three went to Holden College to try to find John Deher. Once Mel and I were able to inform the real guards about what had happened (with, I admit, a little bit of twisting the truth to not make Torsten seem so bloodthirsty), we went to find the others at Holden College. Eventually we were all taken to see Vicar John Deher, who sent us on the quest to find the 4 Evangelii. We were told this was an important mission because its the only way to save the Blue Rose. A similar quest had been undertaken about a century earlier but had failed apparently. Our next move is to find Urdick in Northport- one of the original questers, and the only dwarf to have set foot on the continent of Jogn. We're also told that Eldreck the Vicar of Lakeland and Warr, will be an important contact.
We received 200 gold to aid us on our mission, with which we bought a donkey and some other things (I got some improved armor, since it looks like this mission may be far more dangerous than I was anticipating!) We would set out the next day.