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Another Ship to Board

by Bellie Stoutleg

4/18-- Having already used up the only Invisibility spell that my cittern allows me to cast daily yesterday, we had to wait until I could get a good night's rest to put into action the plan to free Wolfgar from the Magistrate's. I concentrated on the spell from within the newly purchased magical storage bag while an invisible Dirge snuck into the Magistrate's office and searched for Wolfgar. He spent the better part of an hour searching but to no avail. After the failed mission we met Mel outside, and already speaking with Torsten. He brought shocking news that he had visited Urdick yesterday and spoken with him, and witnessed his sudden death caused by some dark demonic curse that seemed to destroy him from the inside as soon as he had shared a certain bit of information with Torsten. (Trying to remember what bit of information that was...) Before he could finish catching us up, who should hobble up to us, but Wolfgar! He had managed to be spared from a prison sentence, seemingly due to some of Torsten's political maneuverings. But even apart from that, news reached us that Frentish forces practically proudly took the blame for the sinking of Dolmition's ship, so as quickly as that, it seems that we need no longer live as fugitives of the law in this city. It is quite astounding to me that all of us managed to escape imprisonment and possibly life sentences in Northport; perhaps it is a sign that in spite of the evils we have committed, the Rose still desires for all of us to continue on this quest.
At any rate we spent the whole walk over to the docks trying to compare the information each of us received. I shared some of the more cryptic things spoken to me by the halfling woman in my vision yesterday. Torsten explained in more detail how his interaction with Urdick went. We almost considered staying longer in Northport, now that we are no longer wanted, in order to seek out and speak to Vicar Eldred of Sunda... he is after all the only remaining survivor from the original fellowship of Patten, now. We really have very little that we know to look for in Matten, only the hope that perhaps the Prior of Basley Forevale or other elders there may preserve some memory of the old fellowship's activities. However, both Torsten and Dirge already detest Eldred of Sunda, and wished to avoid an encounter with him. Given how our time aboard the ship of the last vicar who our party disliked turned out, I'm just as keen that we don't meet up with Vicar Eldred. Though I can't help but feel we may have missed an important opportunity to speak with one of the only people in the world who can help us on our quest. Eventually, amid much discussion, we arrived at the ship we are taking to Matten, apparently captained by a roguish relation of Torsten's. The sort of person that Dirge gets along just a little too well with, which was enough to make me nervous about this trip. I also found it curious that we weren't asked for any payment before boarding the ship. Not that I have a great deal of experience with these things, but at least that's not how it was done when I made my first journey from to this continent from my home. Rose, protect us on our journey! The seas are particularly dangerous at this time, as we hear that several defected vessels from the Frentish army are on the prowl for easy prey upon the water.