Sania Thakur | World Anvil

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Sania Thakur

Sania here! @Armarmy2026   If you want to meet in person just look in Room 208 after school! A/V Club!

November 26th, 2041

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Sania's history, from the beginning to today.

Heading out into the wilderness for camping and R&R. If I don’t make it, give my PC to Daniel!

November 26th, 2041

Day 3 without a Sania related incident! Starting to feel like socialising is the main cause of my grief lol :nervous_face:

October 27th, 2041

Turns out Arma was spotted on the scene with a new hero to Sunset City. Couldn’t see their face but they had some sort of tail and looked AWESOME. Eye witness reports saying that the two heroes worked REALLLLLLY WELL together. I don’t know about you #Armarmy, but I think I might be seeing a new ship leaving Drixxon Harbor if you know what I’m saying :winky_face:

October 24th, 2041

Woah! Did anyone else see the news about Mellox Pharmaceuticals? Glad to see our gurl Arma was able to rescue all the hostages and prevent those venom-guys from blowing up the place! She even got some news time! Arma, if you see this, LOVE the new digs! #PrinceCharming #Armarmy

October 24th, 2041

Things have been a whirlwind #armamary, so I couldn't keep up with the news. Did Arma really save all those people from some new, venom-themed gang?! Heard she broke in and saved a whole bunch of citizens! THAT'S OUR GURL! #ArmaWatch #Armarmy

October 20th, 2041

Had a really slow day today and ... kinda enjoyed it? Things have been full steam ahead in my life and it's been nice to just...take a day.

October 15th, 2041

I don't know why I feel so uncomfortable with my own skin... Maybe if I could choose what I look like I'd feel more comfortable...but then again...maybe not. Uhg, I wish I could just live under the sea...

October 14th, 2041

Believe it or not, I thought I saw Arma flying through the city last night! Is she back?! Any Arma-Watch members know anything?! :Excited Face:

October 12th, 2041

You ever meet someone and think.... "I want to be you when I grow up!"? It's a great feeling. :Star-eyed Face Emoji:

October 11th, 2041

"What happens in A/V Club, stays in A/V Club"

October 9th, 2041

I haven't felt this light in days. Like... I'm afraind I'm just going to float away to a farmhouse in the sky

October 8th, 2041

I have never watched a football game from under the bleachers.

October 8th, 2041

And I don't mean THOSE kinds of body pillows! EW GROSS NO

October 8th, 2041

In the market for a body pillow. I can't sleep without something to cuddle apparently.

October 8th, 2041

It's so weird to have such a normal day follow up the two hardest days of my life...but I'm so grateful to have the friends I do to support me when I needed them most. You all know who you are, even if you don't know which heart. :RedHeartEmoji: :OrangeHeartEmoji: :CupidHeartEmoji:

October 7th, 2041

It's funny how much getting angry at a computer game character makes you forget how angry you are at everything else. STOP STEALING MY STARS WARIO :crying-face:

October 7th, 2041

I can't believe my last tweet was almost a Spoom meme...

October 6th, 2041

Hey all, Don't worry about your gurl. Took a tumble on my bike yesterday so I'm staying home to nurse my newly broken arm. Should be back up and running... someday soon. Thx for the well wishes. -Sania

October 6th, 2041

Goom the Spoom

October 5th, 2041

I hate having to act like a mother and school teacher at the same time... I wonder how my mom does it...

October 5th, 2041

Wow, that's crazy news about SCH! I heard it could have been a supervillain! My mom says they think the villain was stopped by Arma! Can you imagine! Arma walking around the halls of SCH?! Maybe she passed my locker! :Glittering Eyes:

October 4th, 2041

I bet it's nice to live somewhere slower. Sunset is so fast paced. Wish we had the time in the city to smell the flowers and catch some frogs for fun instead of the constant rush of social media and school and socializing. Maybe I should take a break from Twitter...

October 4th, 2041

Staying up late tho was SOOOOO worth it for this tho! <3 <3 <3

October 3rd, 2041

Hardly got a wink of sleep last night. Hopefully I can rest up before school tomorrow. :thumbs down:

October 3rd, 2041

Arma's so cool. I wish I could be more like her.

October 3rd, 2041

Anybody else hear about what went down at 7-eleven? Thank goodness Arma was there! Heard it almost came to violence!

June 10th, 2026



June 10th, 2026

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Sania.