Yui Kaito | World Anvil

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Yui Kaito

Innaugural member of the Kyoshi Warriors. Now that Kyoshi is gone, what are her Warriors? Who could step up and take leadership of the Kyoshi Warriors?

Sat 4th Sep 2021 06:01

Absence and Abandonment

by Yui Kaito

Kana says its better that we survived. Easy for her to say. Kyoshi was the closest thing I had to a mother.

How dare she not let me die with Sifu.

Kana said we have to continue her legacy, train up the rest of the girls. She could handle that herself. Sifu always said Kana had the mentality of an ideal warrior. A mentality she thought I lacked. Look where that mentality brought us now, Sifu. Running like scared little girls while you lie there preparing for your next life.

I... I hope I get to meet you again. When you come back...

I'll be waiting.

The major events and journals in Yui's history, from the beginning to today.

Absence and Abandonment

Kana says its better that we survived. Easy for her to say. Kyoshi was the closest thing I had to a mother. How dare she not let me die with Sifu. Kana said we have to continue her legacy, train up the rest of the girls. She could handle that hers...

06:01 pm - 04.09.2021

Sifu says its our duty to protect the downtrodden from those who would abuse them, but Kana would rather bandage the wounds of victims than punish the deeds of the culprit. That's a good way to let more people get hurt.

10:55 pm - 28.08.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yui.