Jacob Dunn | World Anvil

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Jacob Dunn
Bones, Mike, Horrorshow

Campaign & Party

The major events and journals in Jacob's history, from the beginning to today.

Due to budget cuts I'm going to have to fire my arms, so long boys <A picture of two bleeding arms on a plastic wrapped concrete floor, obvious clear plastic tubes filled with red leading to the stumps to provide the spurting blood caught in mid-air>

12:58 am - 08.10.2021

DDR is super bright and happy; Juxtaposition for horror? Haunted cabinet, beat the high score or dance till you die? Scared onlookers? Dark humor; "Damn, third one this month, better close up!"

03:00 am - 05.10.2021

Stirring a 50 gallon barrel of fake blood #UpperBodyWorkout

09:39 am - 03.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jacob.