Viieda | World Anvil


A-ah- Um. Hello.. I am Vi.

Played by
Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.

Sun 22nd Jan 2023 02:17

Dear Rosani

by Viieda

Dear Miss Rosani
Hi! Hello! It is weird to be talking to you like this, yes? You will not even read it until I am already there to deliver it, but writing to you is so much more exciting than my journal (sorry journal)
I met up with the others! They were so very excited to see me again, and I was excited too! We hugged and spoke about many things. We are going to a meeting with other druid peoples in a circle, isn't that exciting?
I have bought lovely treats and the drinks just like you have said for my birthday! We will probably be travelling when it is the 12th, but we can just have the party after we get back. It will be fun! Though it would be probably being more fun if you were there as well! And not just in the naughty way.
I do miss you very much, Rosani! Hopefully we get to visit you very soon, because it is feeling weird to not see you in the mornings!
I will be doing sleeping now. I love you!

  • Vi
  • Viieda's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. Still moving in through the caves
      28 Feb 2021 03:10:52
    2. Telling you about me
      25 Mar 2021 11:11:21
    3. Veronika
      13 Jun 2021 12:01:26
    4. Hello Again!
      01 Mar 2022 11:06:54
    5. Dear Rosani
      22 Jan 2023 02:17:14

    The major events and journals in Viieda's history, from the beginning to today.

    I am being very lucky that I have Miss Rosani making me have a strong voice! It is still a tiring thing, but she is making me have a confidence!

    06:13 pm - 01.05.2023

    Dear Rosani

    Dear Miss Rosani Hi! Hello! It is weird to be talking to you like this, yes? You will not even read it until I am already there to deliver it, but writing to you is so much more exciting than my journal (sorry journal) I met up with the others! They...

    02:17 am - 22.01.2023

    Ahaha! It was feeling very good to be able to surprise my friends like that! I am looking forward to doing adventures like this again.

    12:09 am - 04.12.2022

    How are you to be hiding flowers when your partner is being sensitive to smell? I would like to do this nice thing, but! Miss Rosani can always sense them from so far away! And picking flowers that do not have her sneezing is very difficult..

    12:49 pm - 07.06.2022

    It is making me very sad that we are leaving Duke and Liron.. But, I am thinking that this will be a good thing to do! I need to know if it is the kind of thing that I am wanting to do.

    05:00 pm - 03.04.2022

    Hello Again!

    Hello Diary! It has been a while since we have been talking about things, we are stopping our moving around for a small time so I can be catching you up on things that have been happening. My last pages were talking about Miss Veronika, and a lot ha...

    11:06 am - 01.03.2022

    First Kiss

    I-I can’t believe I— I [i]actually[/i] did it.. W-well she mostly did— Um.. I did it!

    01:24 am - 27.02.2022

    I am having many thoughts that are not agreeing with each other.. I feel like I am doing this a lot. I had no idea Miss Rosani was so sad about what we were doing.. It.. It is making me question if we are doing a good thing. I do not want her to be upset or do something that would be making her unhappy, but… I want to help this village. But now if I go, she will go with me, but then she would be upset.. Is this my fault then? It is hurting my head to try and pick a thought.. I do not feel good about this now though. … I think I am getting better at the flute she got me, at least.. I am needing to practice more if I want to show her a song though.

    03:44 pm - 17.01.2022

    Oh this place is a much more scarier place than I was thinking we need to be leaving!

    11:32 pm - 18.12.2021

    Miss Rosani has explained what a ‘crush’ is, she has been having a crush on me as well. I am glad that I can name this feeling now.. But I need to think.. Maybe Duke can help me.

    12:16 pm - 14.11.2021

    I.. am not sure how I should be feeling. I am thinking I got into my own head that Miss Veronika may have known something about my family, but.. I still know nothing. Who am I? Where did I come from? Are my parents still.. Out there? I am glad that the story of Veronika was not told in truths. She has to be good.. I know she is good.

    11:26 am - 08.08.2021

    We are finally moving away from this mansion.. This is meaning that we can start going to Bedmar. I n-need to find her again— I need to have answers.

    09:30 am - 28.06.2021

    I.. I think I did something bad.. I shouldn't have brought the ghost their body-- Would- Would he have been fine if I had done nothing? We had to hurt him.. That was my fault.

    12:03 am - 20.06.2021


    No matter how much I try to clear my mind of this.. [i]This--[/i] It makes it worse.. It hurts my chest. I just wanted a family. I wanted to be [i]normal[/i]- Not.. This.. This skin. I hate it. I hate this. My.. My teacher.. Miss Veronika. She took ...

    12:01 am - 13.06.2021

    I.. I don’t.. I really am cursed.. I- Why? [i]Why?[/i] I.. I should be [i]human[/i].. My family- I.. I never even got to know—.. I will never see them.. Why would [i]she[/i] do this?!

    08:56 pm - 22.05.2021

    Telling you about me

    Hello here Journal! Maybe it is rude of me, that I am knowing everything about you (I hope. Do journals have adventures? I will wonder this), but you may not be knowing a lot about me, because I have only been holding onto you for a couple weeks. I thi...

    11:11 am - 25.03.2021

    Still moving in through the caves

    Hello again! I am still finding this weird to greet a book, but I do like it. It is like having a small friend to carry around and tell things to. We've been moving through these caves for a few days now, many things have happened. We were sent by this...

    03:10 am - 28.02.2021

    I am thinking I almost fell again.. I should maybe not be making habits of this.

    07:29 am - 23.02.2021

    Rum is.. Tasting weird. Miss Veronika said it helps with nerves and when bad things happen. I think it was doing something of this.

    02:24 am - 07.02.2021

    S-she's gone... M-Miss Veronika is gone.. All I wanted was to f-find her, and now.. T-the Sune people chased her away. I do not understand. S-she did a [i]good[/i] thing! A good thing!

    02:13 am - 17.01.2021

    I.. I know she has been doing the bad things but.. I-I.. Miss Veronika must be good. She.. She looked after me. S-she got us food and.. Told me stories.. And.. I just know. I know it.. W-why would she do these things for something like me if she was not good? S-seeing her and Miss Rosani have anger in voice gives me bad feelings.

    11:29 pm - 02.01.2021

    I-I made people upset again.. I tried to not make Miss V-veronika upset but that made Rosani upset instead.. I did it again. E-even when I try to hide myself it still makes people upset! I wish I didn't have to be like this. I wish I could be someone else.. Something else..

    10:36 pm - 26.12.2020

    W-we had a fight with Behjin. I think we won, but he kind of.. F-fell over into dust. He bit me very badly.. It hurt a lot. It did not feel like when I have fallen down other times.

    10:53 pm - 05.12.2020

    We entered some more caves today to break their circles. I got hurt bad by some plants, but Miss Rosani saved me. She is a good person. She is a nice person. I think she would understand. I need to talk to Miss Veronika again... I am not sure I can be keeping things like this away..

    02:52 am - 15.11.2020

    Why are things having to be... D-difficult.. I care about Miss Veronika a lot.. W-why? Why did this have to happen this way? We need to go to Montel again..

    09:16 pm - 31.10.2020

    M-Miss Veronika has been healed and is back with us on land. I.. I am very happy. It is an ease on my heart to be seeing her doing healthily.

    06:19 pm - 25.10.2020

    We found Miss Veronika! I am so very pleased of this. She is unwell but to see her alive and safe.. I could not be happier. When I first left Montel, I did not know what I was to do, how I would find her. I am very thankful for my friends for helping me. I do not know how I will be able to repay them. We also found some... Mushrooms. They are talking, but are very cute.

    10:30 pm - 10.10.2020

    M-miss Veronika is alive. Unzu was able to talk with her, and we are going to an island where the Dead men have taken her. We.. We sat in a circle that Miss R-rosani made.. I am not sure I like it. It makes you speak t-truthfully.. We were attacked in the night by a monster with wings. I was hurt.. More than before. It went dark.. B-but Miss Rosani helped me. Her words are kindness.. T-they kept me on my hooves. W-we are back in.. Montel. We need a boat to get to the island and this place made the most sense... The others are saying it is my home.. I wish this was not the case.

    09:53 pm - 03.10.2020

    We were at the Gala today. A very t-tall man with wings asked me questions about a statue there. A guard was telling me they were being insulting b-but.. I did not notice? .. A-a lady gave me a kiss. S-s-she could speak the Devil's tongue; she spoke it to me.. Miss Rosani got me a flute. I.. It is my first present, and I like it a lot. I am thinking I need to get her something as well.. She looked very p-pretty today. They were saying that I.. um.. I was pretty as well. I did not look. I do not want to look.. Not again.

    09:51 pm - 19.09.2020

    I-I was having no idea these Gala clothings would cover... N-not very much.. Maybe I will not be recognised. This would be helpful.

    01:43 pm - 18.09.2020

    T-this is a strange feeling.. Having another person using scissors on my h-hair.. They did not care about what I was... Miss R-rosani did not either. I do not understand why they are being nice with me if they are knowing what I am.. I am worried she will be hurt now that she is knowing.

    09:31 pm - 12.09.2020

    I-I do not know what this.. Gala is. This is something you are doing the dressing up for, yes? I am unsure if I am doing this.. I have no other clothes with me.

    07:16 am - 07.09.2020

    Today was scary. We went into a cave with spiders and Duke got really hurt. I'm glad we did not stay. Rosani is also being invited to a party? It is by the Sune people. We are being invited along too. We had a talk in the bedroom about Liron.. He was missing his arm.

    03:33 am - 06.09.2020

    We saw a Tiefling today. Miss Rosani said she did not know a tiefling. Liron looked unhappy with them. M-Miss Rosani also knows that I am liking her.. I do not know what to do. My head keeps hurting.

    01:53 am - 23.08.2020

    Mr Duke t-told me what dating was. You only go on dates with people you love?? Does this mean Miss Rosani has a l-love for me?? I am unsure of what to answer. If I agree to go does this make me a love as well???

    10:32 am - 09.08.2020

    An amulet keeps stealing itself into my bag. I-I don't like it. We apparently saw this when I was doing sleep; My sleeping bag is very nice now, it got mended and cleaned. I-I do not remember it being this nice before.

    06:04 am - 29.07.2020

    We fought a lot of things today... One of them made me laugh, but I wasn't funny. I-it was scary. I met a squirrel. It was scary. Rosani helped take it away. She is very nice.. A-and keeps calling me cute. She also.. Speaks when she is sleeping? She was very close to my sleeping bag. She.. Hugs a lot. I-I do not know how to respond..

    10:25 pm - 11.07.2020

    Shops are so big on the inside! They have so many more things than in the window, yes? W-We spoke with Torek, but he wont say anything about master unless we pay.. So.. We are getting jobs! Duke is very kind. He says nice things. Rosani is.. Um. She is nice. Liron says a lot of tricky things, they are panicking.

    10:28 pm - 04.07.2020

    I.. I met people today. There are like master. They are.. Kind? Yes? Mead tastes not good. B-but you can make it taste of apples! They are helping me find Torek now. I am thankful.

    12:35 pm - 28.06.2020

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Viieda.

    Played by
    Alex (TheDumbOwl)

    Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.

    Other Characters by TheDumbOwl