Obsidiansternn Amélie Tripatouiller | World Anvil

Obsidiansternn Amélie Tripatouiller

Chaotic Good Fire Genasi (Izzet Engineer)
Artificer 10
93 / 93 HP

The Empyrean Tinkerer that is only a mild disaster around women. She spends more time in her workshop than around people.

Played by
Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.

13th October

Log #184

by Obsidiansternn Amélie Tripatouiller

October 13th. 75 days.
We’re cycling another round of testing today.. I can get the gate to generate this side but we’re struggling to maintain it and have it manifest on the other end. We’ll briefly amplify it’s power output to see if the extra kick is what’s missing; That’s my only assumption so far, given the increase in size of this thing. Could also just be miscalculations.. Or maybe it’s just damaged somewhere I didn’t catch during the recovery.
I’m not even sure what completing this fucking thing does for us anymore. Establishing trade routes across other planes? Relocating? The only place we have connections to is absolutely not somewhere I want to associate with. Not that their people did wrong by us, but.. It’s too close to them.
I’m still working on sleep. It’s been pretty hit or miss recently, which is an improvement I guess. Sanctity.. Helps. Between working on this, and aiding with reconstruction, it’s easy enough to just let exhaustion decide on when I sleep. It’s too wasteful to keep to a schedule.
… I still don’t want to use that dust. I can’t help but feel it’s the solution to the issues we’re having getting this thing to work, but after that message.. I don’t know what to think. Shit, I don’t even know if what they said was true. It could just be horeshit made up to stop me from using it for myself. If it is, then I guess they got what they wanted.. Again.
I’ll fill you in later after testing to let you know how things went.
It’s later.
Tests failed. Again.
And we’ve blown another Fuse Array— It’ll be a bitch to salvage ones like those… Noting to self to stick to low power testing for now. Focus on increasing efficiency, not stability.

The major events and journals in Amélie's history, from the beginning to today.

I never knew I'd settle into politics so easily. It's [i]kinda[/i] like Engineering. But people are the cogs. That feels.. Kinda icky to compare. But that's just how I'm wired. At least I still got time for my projects. Portals are the past-- Now I want the cities to move! All the potential of Banton with a hell of a lot more safety features.

11:26 pm - 30.07.2023

Hah, of course it was never going to be so easy.. My penance is paid, then.. Hopefully.

08:14 am - 26.06.2023

Feels.. Strange. Being ahead for once. After back to back problems, threats, and calamity.. Maybe it's our time to turn things around.

12:04 pm - 09.05.2023

Haven't been roughed up like that in, well.. Ever. I can't believe people do this sort of stuff [i]regularly.[/i]

11:47 pm - 10.04.2023

It's time.

10:12 am - 27.03.2023

[i]Why the hell are all the women here so pretty[/i]

09:02 am - 27.02.2023

Armour is holding.. I haven't given this configuration a real field test yet, so this'll be uh.. Interesting? Haven't hit anything outside of dummies yet. .. Those dummies did get pretty messed up, though.

09:09 am - 20.02.2023

I guess we can add "pissing off deities of Death and Judgement" to our application forms.. Jeez. I guess I'm glad I never bothered using this damn wish before.

08:45 am - 06.02.2023

I'm really getting tired of seeing the same tragedy over and over again. I'm not even sure if I can feel sad about it anymore. It's just.. I'm burnt.

01:09 am - 30.01.2023

Well, more innocent people are dead. Colour me surprised that Hylda would cut corners and slaughter the mind-controlled rather than try and find a solution that [i]didn't[/i] involve killing them. As if we needed any more reasons to take her out.

11:08 am - 23.01.2023

This... This feels like the right path.

01:39 am - 05.12.2022

I feel there is so much I cannot say to Kira about.. Everything. This is all just too much to deal with right now, but if I try to leave with Sanctity now.. We’ll just wind up dead. The Singularity device is just.. Sat there. I should be working on it. We [i]need[/i] to finish it.. I can’t just be sitting here, doing nothing, eating.. I need to work. I have to work.

06:28 pm - 21.11.2022

I feel like I'm going to be sick. What the fuck was.. ANY of that?? God I-- I just [i]attacked[/i] him I wasn't thinking-- I.. God, I can't leave here until I know it's safe now, can I? ... At least my family are safe..

03:13 am - 14.11.2022


02:30 am - 07.11.2022

I guess I’ll mark that as [i]two[/i] terrifying beings that have forced my hand. What the fuck do I even [i]do[/i] now.

10:22 pm - 30.10.2022

I need something else to work on.. I swear this project is going to kill me off from exhaustion before we even get back into live testing. Maybe I could look into the comms device I was thinking about.. Before. … I wonder if Kira still remembers anything about that. I’ll have to message Glitterfeather, I guess.

08:38 am - 12.09.2022

I feel like we’re so [i]close[/i] to an answer.. But each inch of progress brings in some new issue that knocks us right back to where we were. Please.. Just be soon.

12:44 pm - 07.06.2022

Log #184

October 13th. 75 days. We’re cycling another round of testing today.. I can get the gate to generate this side but we’re struggling to maintain it and have it manifest on the other end. We’ll briefly amplify it’s power output to see if the extr...

01:35 am - 03.06.2022

Work is steadily progressing despite.. Interruptions. Sanctity has helped temper my more clouded thoughts and keep me focused on my work, and, well.. Myself. Not that I [i]deserve[/i] it.

12:38 am - 07.03.2022

Of course, they’d pick [i]now[/i] of all times to tell me of this very critical attribute of Halidom. Gods.. I had it with me when Banton fell. All of those people, they— Why? Why am I continuing to be punished? Will I never be forgiven for letting them into my home?

11:45 am - 31.01.2022

I should've turned in the lot of them the moment I got into the city. Last time I trust outsiders again.

12:37 am - 18.10.2021

I think my heart is going to give out before I finish this damned device. GOD THAT WAS JUST ONE OF THE ASSISTANTS

08:10 am - 11.10.2021

Heyyyyy Alcohol is good sometimes

12:42 pm - 04.10.2021

Holy shit. I’m gonna be rich.

12:18 am - 13.09.2021

I’m so thankful for my parents.. I think I know what I should do now.

06:59 am - 07.09.2021


07:26 am - 23.08.2021

Well, that made me feel just [i]great[/i] about my life decisions. Maybe I shouldn’t have left.. Gah, I don’t even know anymore.

10:46 am - 09.08.2021

Hhhhokay, the train cart we smuggled ourselves onto got shot at with cannons and we had to run for it with two other people that were also hiding out that we had no idea about. We’re alive, thank the gods. Tannis is safe, relatively speaking. I need to make sure she stays that way.

09:46 am - 26.07.2021

I can’t believe this is how people are living under the Empyrean military.. Forced to be ashamed and scared of themselves. I wont stand for it. But I will stand for her.

12:40 am - 12.07.2021

I.. I didn’t think we’d be [i]killing[/i] anyone.. I’m sorry. I don’t know who you were, maybe you were just following orders or you genuinely wanted to kill us for using magic— But I’m sorry that we— [i]I[/i] had to.. At least the cultists were easier to justify.. Hurting that poor bird so they could try and control it. Its better those kinds of people are.. Are dealt with.

10:19 am - 05.07.2021

Wait.. No— This isn’t right! We.. are we actually fighting? They aren’t monsters! They’re just.. People! I thought— What am I supposed to do..?

12:21 am - 28.06.2021

How uh How the heck do you put lipstick on?? I don't know how the heck to use this thing

12:48 am - 21.06.2021

Oh my god I had that kiss on my cheek all day it was just there did Kira know??? Was that in purpose????? Oh I was just walking around and talking normally I want to DIE

12:11 am - 14.06.2021

Today was uh IT WAS REALLY GOOD? God Kira is really quick we bounce ideas off each other we got SO MUCH DONE TODAY also she kissed me and WHAT HHHHHH SHE KISSED ME??? SHE [i]KISSED ME?????[/i] I DONT KNOW IF SHE REALISED BECAUSE IT WAS REALLY RANDOM BUT OH GOD WHAT? WHAT?? WHAT DO I DO

11:49 pm - 06.06.2021

Hhhokay, okay okay. It’s just visiting a workshop— Just a regular ol’ going to a workshop with Kira to see stuff. Oh god what do I [i]do[/i] I just wanted to see the guild place but now she says its a [i]date[/i] and oh why I didn’t I just thought it AAAAAA She was joking. Jokes! It was just a joke. I think. Yeah no that makes sense

09:02 am - 03.06.2021

Well, okay! Seems like we have a fairly solid way to get back to Empyrea, but the journey is going to be long and [i]rough[/i]. I just hope I don’t leave my folks too long without any kind of message.. I met a dragon today. She was.. Wow. Yeah uh There are so many pretty people here @.@ I might’ve been drunk when I got back to their like, house place. So that was a first! They seem really nice. They really like teasing me and it would certainly be fine if I didn’t clam up at every little commen— Gaaah. WHY AM I GETTING FUNNY JUST WRITING THIS HERE?

12:43 am - 24.05.2021

Well! My device works, at least! I was able to successfully jump into another plane; but I'm kinda stuck now. Oh well, I've at least met some uh.. Kind?? people?? I'm in a bar now. I am drinking. A LOT IS HAPPENING. It's fine. It's probably fine. I hope things are okay back at the shop. [i]Why in the hells does everyone have to be cute AND THEY KEEP [b]POINTING IT OUT-[/b][/i]

01:07 am - 17.05.2021
Played by
Alex (TheDumbOwl)

Hiya! I'm Owl. Or Bowl!   I play a handful of characters across a few ongoing campaigns, and am starting to build up my own world, Vertinall. I live by my online name very closely, I'm incredibly silly and make mistakes, but hopefully it'll make you laugh.

Other Characters by TheDumbOwl