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Chaotic Good Aarakocra (Haunted One)
Fighter 5
Monk 3
49 / 49 HP

Quirk is a middle aged Aarakocran warrior who has suffered a great deal of trauma, but is now on a journey of self recovery. He is an experienced soldier with a compassionate, albeit eccentric, personality that takes time to shine through.

Elturel, Sword Coast
Spring, 1492 DR
Sat 9th Jul 2022 12:01

Volume 62: March 30, 1492

by Quierccirq

After spending a few days in Candlekeep, everyone seems to have a lot on their minds, myself included.
To thank Umber for sacrificing his beloved sketchbook for the sake of my ever-dwindling sanity, I commissioned a custom leather cover from one of the many dwarvish craftsmen residing in the archives. He can use it to protect each new sketchbook he collects as he fills more and more of them. I hope he enjoys the design. I left it outside his quarters, but didn't leave a name with the parcel. No gratitude is needed, and so no credit is required.
During our stay, I met a fellow Aarakocran named Coo. He is quite old for one of our race, and a well-respected monk warrior. It's been many years since I've encountered another of my own kind. When he greeted me, it took everything in me to maintain any semblance of composure and not bolt away in shame. After speaking with him a while, though, he asked me to train with him. Begrudgingly, I accepted.
I'm grateful that Coo convinced me to learn from him. He taught me the foundations of the Way of the Kensei, a monastic tradition that views the weapon as an extension of the warrior's body, much like a caligrapher's pen or an artist's brush. Thanks to Coo's tutelage, I have the knowledge I need to continue my training alone. Through intense study and devotion, he assured me I may even one day regain bodily connection and usage of my wings. It's not the first time someone has promised me such a thing, but at least this time there are no hallucinogens involved.
I've been such a fool these last few years. How did I ever deceive myself so thoroughly? The ache is a constant, burdensome thing stabbing between my shoulders every instant, and still, my conviction was absolute. If I ever see Mort Vanthamper again, I'll have to apologize for the confusion that day by the sea at the Low Lantern. How peculiar he must have thought me.
The past weeks have impacted me profoundly. Despite my callousness, Umber has shown me incredible kindness and consideration throughout our unexpected journey together. Enya has gone out of her way to give me compassion time and again, even when I haven't deserved it. Even Kunin has warmed to me somewhat as we've traveled and fought together. More recently, the respect and kinship Coo extended to me, although hard to accept after so many years of shame and remorse, has given me some glimmer of hope that I may reclaim some honor yet.
We will arrive at Elturel, or the pit where it once stood, very soon. I shudder to think what awaits us below.

Quierccirq's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. April 5, 1492
  2. **April 7, 1492
  3. April 6, 1492
  4. April 12, 1492
  5. April 10, 1492 - Letter to Coo
    10 April 1492
  6. In the event of my passing...
    1485 8 15
  7. March 3, 1492
    1492 3 3
  8. March 4, 1492
    1492 3 4
  9. March 11, 1492
    1492 3 11
  10. March 12, 1492
    1492 3 12
  11. March 13, 1492
    1492 3 13
  12. March 14, 1492
    1492 3 14
  13. March 16, 1492
    1492 3 16
  14. March 17, 1492
    1492 3 17
  15. March 18, 1492
    1492 3 18
  16. March 19, 1492
    1492 3 19
  17. March 23, 1492
    1492 3 23
  18. March 25, 1492
    1492 3 25
  19. Volume 62: March 30, 1492
    1492 3 30

The major events and journals in Quierccirq's history, from the beginning to today.

"My history makes me think things about you that aren't real, and sometimes that gets the better of me. But I've learned that what I think and what I believe are not the same. This, [indicating the cover of Umber's sketchbook] is what I believe about you."

Spring, 1492 DR

April 12, 1492

Coo, Thank you for all your teachings. I am working hard to honor your lessons in spite of where I now find myself. My companions and I have seen more of this realm than I think any soul should ever have to bear. And there is still so much farther yet...

01:06 am - 02.02.2023

**April 7, 1492

Quirk pulls Enya aside & asks for a favor: preen his flight feathers come to the balcony in the cathedral w/him she agrees, sees Quirk at full wingspan, shining clean plummage Enya shoves Quirk from the balcony & he manages to somewhat glide, bu...

01:50 am - 19.11.2022

**April 6, 1492

DOWN THE STAIRS UNDER THE ALTAR body of young women w/gleaming sword at end of short hall remember a story about a red dragon before the Companion, a woman killed it then fell dead & was laid to rest here w/her sword (possibly an incarnation of Torm...

01:50 am - 19.11.2022

April 5, 1492

Savikas arranged for us to travel by griffin to meet her friend, who would teleport us to Elturel. She sent Lulu, a tiny flying golden elephant, to join us on our mission. Apparently, she helped Zariel hide her sword during the first demon wars, but now s...

01:46 am - 19.11.2022


Spring, 1492 DR

Reached Level 6

Multiclassing as Fighter/Monk

Spring, 1492 DR

In the event of my passing...

If you’re reading this, then I’m already gone and you’re the -nlucky bastard or bastardess I’ve entrusted to carry out my final wishes. Don’t worry. They’re fairly straightforward. I have no family or friends left alive to notify, so don’...

12:07 am - 09.07.2022

Volume 62: March 30, 1492

After spending a few days in Candlekeep, everyone seems to have a lot on their minds, myself included. To thank Umber for sacrificing his beloved sketchbook for the sake of my ever-dwindling sanity, I commissioned a custom leather cover from one of th...

12:01 am - 09.07.2022

March 25, 1492

We arrived at the gates of Candlekeep, where a small welcoming party of monks greeted us. Unbeknownst to me, it is required that one donates a book to the archives in order to gain entry. The only book I’m carrying is this journal. As the monks wait...

11:19 pm - 08.07.2022

March 23, 1492

Dragon dreams are chasing me on wings of black and green The hunting clouds all gather ‘round dear brother, forgive me Dragon dreams are haunting me echoes shriek and scream The hunting clouds all gather ‘round I could not save you, Kri...

11:17 pm - 08.07.2022

March 19, 1492

On our way out of Baldur’s Gate, we stopped to resupply and encountered an entourage of familiar faces. The Flaming Fist didn’t take very kindly to our escapades of late. We were spared a senseless brawl, however, by one Captain Portyr, who seemed t...

11:16 pm - 08.07.2022

March 18, 1492

We faced the Duke today. After a grueling battle, we defeated her in addition to Kreeg, Amrick, and a number of guards and devils beset upon us. I don’t know how she tracked us down, but Lt. Mantlemorn has now returned sporting a kind of armored prosthe...

11:15 pm - 08.07.2022

March 17, 1492

Duke Vanthampur and Thavius Kreeg are in cahoots to overtake Baldur’s Gate. They hired the Cult of the Dead Three to sow chaos in the city and undermine the authority and reputation of the Flaming Fist. Using Tiamat’s treasure, courtesy of the Cult of...

11:12 pm - 08.07.2022

March 16, 1492

Finally, we’re making some progress. The last thing I remember clearly from the cultists’ crypt is the ghoulish face of a cackling hag, then red. Just red. When I came around again, I was drenched in blood and we were fighting some asshole named Vaaz ...

11:11 pm - 08.07.2022

March 14, 1492

Little Honey Drop golden-fletched and chirping our summer sweet surprise Horizon burns low like a candle wick flickering amber eyes Little Honey Drop feather-scorched and fading our summer sweet demise Veridian shadows occluding those dying em...

11:08 pm - 08.07.2022

March 13, 1492

We returned to the bathhouse to see what we could learn. Enya grabbed a private room while I cozied up to a human male in one of the tubs. At my age, you take what action you can get. In this case, it was just a bonus if I could pump him for information. ...

11:00 pm - 08.07.2022

March 12, 1492

Summer bright and bitter end Birdy won’t fly home again He’s in the clouds, the hunting clouds It’s much safer on the ground Early wyrmies get the bird Feathers fall and chickies squirm Battle brave, now conquered coward Star Mount’s sons are over...

10:56 pm - 08.07.2022

March 11, 1492

Baldur’s Gate is besieged with refugees from Elturel. We had to get creative to get inside the walls. Kunin started a riot and that afforded us the cover we needed to get to the front. Enya charmed one of the Flaming Fist, a militant force that has assu...

10:53 pm - 08.07.2022

March 4, 1492

We had no choice but to leave Lt. Mantlemorn behind. Her injuries are far too serious to allow her to carry on with us to Baldur’s Gate. She’ll be staying in a temple with some friends of Umber’s. We have our orders. Let’s just hope we don’t kil...

10:52 pm - 08.07.2022

March 3, 1492

There was a draft today. Something to do with those Dragon Cult lunatics. I’m under Lt. Reya Mantlemorn’s command for the foreseeable future. She’s young, spunky. It’ll be a real shame when this city snuffs the spark in her eye. I was called up...

10:51 pm - 08.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Quierccirq.