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25th of April, 4500 CE

Impounded on Catta Primae

by Captain Peter Avignon

GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Catta Primae
Frontier Space
23rd of April 4500 - Friday
Upon arrival, we're impounded and told to visit Counsellor Harkonen to sort it out. We seek him out.

  • When we got to his office, Consul Harkonen was not expecting us initially, despite impounding my ship.

  • He needed to get our attention to ask for Benat's aid.

  • On "anonymous sources' he believes Ambassador Qastor, the Pariahan rep on the planet is planning on attacking their neutral spaceport.

  • He said that we can either help him or turn over Arkip, but under no circumstances will I turn over my crew as some part of

  • The Cincastrellan Ambassador Ana Anarcia Carrera is also involved. (Unknown to me - more of a note from Beñat's journal)

  • Beñat doesn't want to involve me, but he has been asked by "his people" to aid in removing Qastor (alive if possible)

  • He's acting against La Matria and her interest, pushing Catta Primae's government into a more fascist position.

  • I'm down to help because Harkonen is behaving in immoral ways.

  • We have intel that Qastor likes illegal cage fights

  • Arkip is going to help because he doesn't appreciate being used as a pawn.

  • 24th of April - Saturday
  • Beñat goes back to Harkonen to play along. He basically wants him to go "Hello fellow comrades, I sure love terrorism as a Cincastrellan, do you have anything I can help with?"

  • Ambassador Carrera cringes very hard

  • Meanwhile, because I am not a wealthy person, nor do I look like I'm there to fight, no one takes me seriously when I try to find leads on the Cage Fights that Qastor frequents.

  • After meeting back up, Beñat suggests someone from the crew with a more imposing presence try to pose as a potential fighter for the matches.

  • He selects himself.

  • So we execute our plot as intended, with Beñat tracking down the black market to buy tranquillizer gas

  • Beñat will then go and tell the Harkonen "Woah, guess they must've known you recruited me"

  • While we get our plan together for the kidnapping, I contact Counsellor Raimus Troy.

  • We take the grav-train over to their office and deliver the Sword

  • We ask him for help with our illegal impounding

  • Without Aidan, we head back to the ship to fill him in on the problem - he will be instrumental in getting us into the Cage Fights.

  • 25th April - Sunday
  • Aidan contacts an old friend or flame of his, Aamina bin Ali, who can get him into the Fights.

  • While I wait for them to do their thing, I have a few hours to spend in the district.

  • I decided to look for a prostitute. While chatting one of them up, Aditi, she tells me they're unionized.

  • After finishing earlier than intended, we talk a little bit more, asking her about where she's from, how long she's been in the sex work industry, and what sort of stigmas exist.

  • The two of them come back (sans Qastor). They were unable to stealthily kidnap him.

  • The new plan is to go to Harkonen and pretend Beñat's cover is blown after he destroyed his bug in a panic ruining the initial plan to record him in the embassy.

  • Instead, we will arrange an accident for Qastor's vehicle, while Beñat goes to visit Councillor Harkonen.

  • Lucid remotely hacks his car computer, running it off a cliff and disabling the grav supports. She notes it was a messy hack.

  • Beñat checks in, gets the impound lifted and fires a few parting jabs about the planet before leaving his office.

  • When the impound is lifted I immediately fire up the ship's systems and take off as soon as the airlock closes behind Beñat.

  • As we leave, news reports and police chatter mention a "traffic collision" having killed Ambassador Qastor.

  • I lay in coordinates for Bandera, via Iska to refuel at a gas giant.
  • Continue reading...

    1. Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes
      2nd of January, 4500
    2. Lots of Dead Bodies
      2nd of January, 4500
    3. Personal Log
      9th of January, 4500
    4. Personal Log: Ship Upgrades on Mehen
      10th of January, 4500
    5. Personal Log: The Kumarbi Conspiracy
      17th of January, 4500
    6. Heading into the Unknown
      28th January 4500
    7. The Expedition Begins
      18th of February, 4500
    8. Faxi
    9. Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts
      4th of March, 4500
    10. Against the Solanian Survey Corp
      18th of March, 4500
    11. Obligatory Water Level
      20th of March, 4500 CE
    12. Aidan Thorpe Arrested
      8th of April, 4500
    13. Leunus Prime
      15th of April, 4500 CE
    14. Impounded on Catta Primae
      25th of April, 4500 CE
    15. Captain's Log: Communications officer detained
      7th of June, 4500 CE
    16. next steps
      14 June 4500
    17. the Mistake (the Planet)
      21st of June, 4500
    18. Licking our wounds in Wild Space
      18 September, 4500
    19. Wow, Civilised Space!
      5 October 4500
    20. Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility
      19th of November, 4500
    21. Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)
    22. Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol
    23. Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao
      11th December, 4500
    24. Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega
      16th of December, 4500
    25. Returning with the spoils of salvage
      11th of January 4501
    26. Fancy Auction