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4th of March, 4500

Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts

by Captain Peter Avignon

25 February

Eldanis System - Eldanus Prime

Population: 5 million

Largest City: 200,000, Eldun's Rest, Capital
  • A few unnafiliated settlements numbering in the tens of thousands on the other side of planet, limited interaction.

  • We see a rather underdeveloped facility, with minimal orbital installations, just the end of a space elevator for launching rockets

  • Almost 1500 years old, at least in design. The spaceport itself is probably 200-300, lacking any scarring indicative of the Cataclysm.

  • 4 planets, two asteroid belts

  • Eldanus Prime has two moons

  • We get survey info from the station as they pinged us, a refreshing return to standard procedure.

  • We land to refuel and resupply

  • They say that (in theory) they have a presidential republic

  • there's a presiding council, that is not technically a legislature

  • Most legislation is done by referendum, via paper across the planet to the outlaying settlements that are affiliated with them

  • They don't want to talk about the outlaying settlements, we let them leave and that's all they say.

  • Arkip nor Aidan are able to glean any more. "it's just one of those taboos"

  • We find a street preacher ranting about aliens

  • he believes that the people in the outlaying settlements are secretly turning the planet's inhabitant's into aliens.

  • we find a book that says the people broke away because they wanted to "own slaves". Lucid disputes the accuracy, but isn't aware of the context enough to know how and in what way - it sounds like propaganda to her.

  • [quote]Planet is home to roughly 5 million people, a small fraction of whom are independent and the target of anti-alien prejudice and superstition. The lack of acknowledgement and reluctance to discuss the circumstances beyond progaganda about them wanting to own slaves is concerning and might prove problematic in future contact and settlement efforts. Recommend any settlement take place away from existing colonies.[quote]

    March 4, 4500

    Core AVG IV (3017 Far Frontier) - Core AVG IV
  • Nothing appears on the surface level

  • tidally locked, half baked and have frozen with a small twilight zone between the two

  • breathable, but only with a filter mask

  • still unpleasant, as it's thin enough that I'd get hypoxia

  • fair amount of life in the twilight zone

  • underneath oceans are signs of life in the cold area

  • we detect another survey ship on the surface, and signs of a camp and excavation

  • Cptn. Vega in Command of the Almutajawil

  • Sinead Scarlett is there, posing with a flag for Space Snapchat.

  • She sounds like someone scraping bare nails on a chalkboard when she speaks

  • Meanwhile, a doctor and two excavating robots are busy at work, which our contingent joins.

  • Vega pulls up her hand computer to compare our routes. It seems to be an honest clerical error.

  • According to her sensors, there were some unusual subterranian structures that could be alien in origin, potentially Pardian.

  • Herbivorous stuff, a Circas or two (at night)

  • Mostly avian life, not a lot of apex predators

  • Quiet, makes sense, but thought she would point them out.

  • Everything else being equal, pay will be split down the middle.

  • Solanian Survery Corp
  • Pariah State front

  • We decide that Lucid's sword thing will fly out there and play a game of hide and seek to lure the crew away from the ship

  • if the ship can be preserved, it's free for the taking and we can strip it for parts + cargo.

  • Continue reading...

    1. Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes
      2nd of January, 4500
    2. Lots of Dead Bodies
      2nd of January, 4500
    3. Personal Log
      9th of January, 4500
    4. Personal Log: Ship Upgrades on Mehen
      10th of January, 4500
    5. Personal Log: The Kumarbi Conspiracy
      17th of January, 4500
    6. Heading into the Unknown
      28th January 4500
    7. The Expedition Begins
      18th of February, 4500
    8. Faxi
    9. Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts
      4th of March, 4500
    10. Against the Solanian Survey Corp
      18th of March, 4500
    11. Obligatory Water Level
      20th of March, 4500 CE
    12. Aidan Thorpe Arrested
      8th of April, 4500
    13. Leunus Prime
      15th of April, 4500 CE
    14. Impounded on Catta Primae
      25th of April, 4500 CE
    15. Captain's Log: Communications officer detained
      7th of June, 4500 CE
    16. next steps
      14 June 4500
    17. the Mistake (the Planet)
      21st of June, 4500
    18. Licking our wounds in Wild Space
      18 September, 4500
    19. Wow, Civilised Space!
      5 October 4500
    20. Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility
      19th of November, 4500
    21. Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)
    22. Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol
    23. Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao
      11th December, 4500
    24. Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega
      16th of December, 4500
    25. Returning with the spoils of salvage
      11th of January 4501
    26. Fancy Auction