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5 October 4500

Wow, Civilised Space!

by Captain Peter Avignon

GSG (Galactic Surveryor's Guild) - Hanhoe System
25 September 4500

Hanhoe is home to a scout base.

  • We're brought in for customs.

  • Thorough scan

  • I present my Guild ID, a microchipped piece of plastic

  • Beñat, Aidan, Lucid, Astrid

  • Arkip asks for gum and soju.

  • At the Guild Base
  • They don't take my ship there, but it's too big for any of the free slots

  • It's a highly developed facility, 1-2 tech levels higher than the rest of the planet

  • 200-300 staffers (large for the lvl of automation)

  • AI paperwork regarding the ship situation

  • The guild is sending me after a distress beacon (50k cr bounty, with more for whatever we find)

  • The woman with the guild explains that it's from an 18-1900-year-old design.

  • indicating an earlier phase of galactic civ, early jump tech, or perhaps a solar sailer

  • need to check it out, and bring back anything interesting like historical documents and technological elements worth having

  • Coordinates are in deep space

  • 27 September 4500
  • They get our ship's maintenance up to spec

  • Free of charge!

  • We get gassed up too

  • We jump to where we're supposed to go

  • 5 October - Saturday
  • 5-6 hours to get the secondary ping

  • We head in its bearing, activate our stealth system and make it look like the SS Good Times (blue-ish tint, it doesn't work quite right)

  • 12 hours later

  • the LIDAR scans can't get us a visual absent a nearby star

  • no operational engine

  • no fusion reactor is online

  • appears to be displacing about 1300 tons of space (6x larger than ours)

  • We detect a millimetres-thick object in front of the ship, about a few hundred kilometres wide

  • Benats says it's a solar sailer, used to send colonists on one-way trips on systems near Sol. Hard for it to have gotten out here. Pre-jump.

  • 1-2kms away, the solar sailer comes into view

  • Can't make out many details, appears to be BADLY damaged. The sail has been ripped to shreds. Struts are barely holding on.

  • Computer IDs it as an Exodus Solar Sailor, deployed by [DATA CORRUPTED] for [DATA CORRUPTED]. We pick up part of the ship's name, Sal... ...ria, and the United Nations Icon and "United Nations Emergency Mandate", meaning it from no later than 2182 (2400 years old)

  • Not having the tools for the door, we go to the hole. We find ourselves in a reactor room, a fission reactor. Beñat breaks out the Geiger counter, and it's tickin'.

  • One reactor is still running

  • One has been "blown the fuck out" through external damage

  • I go back to the ship to get an electronics kit so Lucid can get over to the Sailer

  • Lucid also has a snack for me, a plate of cheese and crackers. Rich girl can't cut for SHIT.

  • Lucid comes over to the ship and unlocks the doors. Our translators struggle to make ou any labels, text, etc because of how old it is

  • So far no bodies, according to Frank this is because they were supposed to be in stasis - and that if his math is right, they'd have aged only 40 years.

  • Lucid figures out that the name of the ship is the Sojourner, and with Beñat's help, we locate the location of the units.

  • Beñat checks for people in the back while we check the computer systems up on the bridge.

  • An hour later, on the bridge.

  • A (mummified) body, having run out of oxygen. No signs of violence.

  • Lucid looks for the black box. It passed the Oort Cloud and then fell through a wormhole. It got deposited...somewhere. "Warning, autography is off base". It wakes up 2-3 crew members. 2 back in stasis. Then a debris collision, damaging the reactors, knocking one offline and the other to 15% capacity. 5 people awoken. None returned. Normal readings for the next 4,900 years. Last recording is "reactor fuel at 5%. Launching distress signal."

  • Mission Statement:

  • Projext exodus's goal is to set up human colonies on nearby systems to look into terraforming and astrographic sciences. For use in jumping points for future exploration with superior solar sailers. Preparation for if Earth is no longer viable.

  • One survivor out of 300.

  • System prioritized who to kill.

  • 60% engineers. 30% scientists. 5% both. Rest agriculturalists.

  • Bong Ying-Ai is the name of the survivor. "Terraforming Engineer"

  • We find an 80-year-old looking woman. She's only aged 1/2 of what she should have.

  • We use the remaining Sailor's fuel to get it into place, on a system without inertial dampening.

  • Bolt it to the Venator.

  • 8 October - Tuesday
  • We take from the ship, through 4-hour shifts to restock our oxygen:

  • The copied data recorder and mission info

  • Backups of any cultural information

  • Detached stasis pod

  • An astralade

  • The contents of the ship's library

  • Bulky terraforming equipment

  • I cannot read any of these Bibles. An English one and a French one.

  • We undo the bolting.

  • We damage the ship in the process and blow another hole in it. Venator is fine.

  • 15 October - Tuesday
  • We get waived directly into the Guild's landing zone, pleasing Lucid.

  • I explained to the Guild Rep all of what we brought back:

  • She asks a scientist to join us

  • The scientist gets a huge bug eye look on her face while reviewing her datapad on Bong Ying-Ai

  • Top scientist for Project Gaia

  • An hour later, Ms. Bong is revived.

  • 22 October - tuesday
  • Guild finishes cataloguing and categorising everything

  • they source components for some of the ship

  • Five technical

  • Five structural

  • Our pick of the books

  • 2 million credits total

  • Continue reading...

    1. Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes
      2nd of January, 4500
    2. Lots of Dead Bodies
      2nd of January, 4500
    3. Personal Log
      9th of January, 4500
    4. Personal Log: Ship Upgrades on Mehen
      10th of January, 4500
    5. Personal Log: The Kumarbi Conspiracy
      17th of January, 4500
    6. Heading into the Unknown
      28th January 4500
    7. The Expedition Begins
      18th of February, 4500
    8. Faxi
    9. Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts
      4th of March, 4500
    10. Against the Solanian Survey Corp
      18th of March, 4500
    11. Obligatory Water Level
      20th of March, 4500 CE
    12. Aidan Thorpe Arrested
      8th of April, 4500
    13. Leunus Prime
      15th of April, 4500 CE
    14. Impounded on Catta Primae
      25th of April, 4500 CE
    15. Captain's Log: Communications officer detained
      7th of June, 4500 CE
    16. next steps
      14 June 4500
    17. the Mistake (the Planet)
      21st of June, 4500
    18. Licking our wounds in Wild Space
      18 September, 4500
    19. Wow, Civilised Space!
      5 October 4500
    20. Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility
      19th of November, 4500
    21. Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)
    22. Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol
    23. Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao
      11th December, 4500
    24. Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega
      16th of December, 4500
    25. Returning with the spoils of salvage
      11th of January 4501
    26. Fancy Auction