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2nd of January, 4500

Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes

by Captain Peter Avignon

GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Catta Gule
Frontier Space
31 December 4499 - New Year's Eve
Maybe having that splice streamer join the crew wasn't such a bad move after all. Did a show for the 50,000 some-odd miners here. Anyways the Guild office survey data for the last 2-3 months have been dumped into the GSG servers for fellow scouts, getting refuelled and checked up.
While the crew and I were catching a drink, a man (Gregory Thornfield) in a suit, from Lysander Biochemical, approaches us with a rather worried expression. Without any corporation ships due to arrive in a week, he's asked us to go look into a research team sent to a nearby planet in the same system. He agrees to give us 60 rounds of ammunition and 2 vac suits, which he delivers outside our ship an hour later.
2 January 4500
Lucid and I work together and discover some encrypted messages from the derelict's ship's array, which is in a stable orbit and in working order from appearance, although the interior lights are off. Ship's sens-oars pick up nothing out of the ordinary. We breach the ship after a spacewalk.
Once inside, we find a room with busted-open cages and one open cryopod, opened roughly four days ago (team lost contact only a day prior). The closed cryopods seem to be empty. The dried blood on the floor, from a wide variety of creatures, has been left there over the last five days, along with some parts. Before leaving the room, we hear some skittering beneath us, from the ventilation chutes.
So far, the elevator lighting was fine, and the lighting in the power bay was at a low level, the reception area lights were off. All other lights have been shot out.
In the ship's galley, we find a blood-covered door, and inside we 12 dead humans gnawed on by human teeth and missing limbs. The entire kitchen has been uprooted, with blood all over the place. It looks like there are animal parts in the kitchen, but just humans in the freezer.
In the pilot's quarters, the lights are on full, and the mattress has been thrown on the floor. A picture frame is smashed on the ground, and the clothing on the ground has a name, Leo Ricardo. We hear more skittering - it moves away.
While Lucid hacks into the personal computer of the next crew quarters, we hear larger movements out in the hallway. After 2-3 minutes, after some growling, it moves away. After 20 minutes, we finally have access to the computer. The computer screen's logo, for Butler Chemicals, appears, and the computer welcomes a Harris Sloacome. It looks like he was reporting trade secrets to the company every week. The last message, from Butler Chemicals to Slowcome, orders him to extract himself and plant the device. There's a further reply from Sloacome:

Device placed. Leaving soon.

Lucid sends the data to my computer. In the next room, we find another well-lit room, neat, save for two bottles of whiskey. There's a blood trail leading to the door which disappears in the hallways. The room belonged to Landric Ihintza, the Chief Medic.
The engineer's room is completely smashed. Lights gone. The mattress is gone, and everything else is strewn and torn to about and to shreds.
Look's like the person in the next room quickly got out of bed. As we prepare to check out the bridge, the rustling comes back...

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  1. Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes
    2nd of January, 4500
  2. Lots of Dead Bodies
    2nd of January, 4500
  3. Personal Log
    9th of January, 4500
  4. Personal Log: Ship Upgrades on Mehen
    10th of January, 4500
  5. Personal Log: The Kumarbi Conspiracy
    17th of January, 4500
  6. Heading into the Unknown
    28th January 4500
  7. The Expedition Begins
    18th of February, 4500
  8. Faxi
  9. Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts
    4th of March, 4500
  10. Against the Solanian Survey Corp
    18th of March, 4500
  11. Obligatory Water Level
    20th of March, 4500 CE
  12. Aidan Thorpe Arrested
    8th of April, 4500
  13. Leunus Prime
    15th of April, 4500 CE
  14. Impounded on Catta Primae
    25th of April, 4500 CE
  15. Captain's Log: Communications officer detained
    7th of June, 4500 CE
  16. next steps
    14 June 4500
  17. the Mistake (the Planet)
    21st of June, 4500
  18. Licking our wounds in Wild Space
    18 September, 4500
  19. Wow, Civilised Space!
    5 October 4500
  20. Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility
    19th of November, 4500
  21. Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)
  22. Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol
  23. Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao
    11th December, 4500
  24. Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega
    16th of December, 4500
  25. Returning with the spoils of salvage
    11th of January 4501
  26. Fancy Auction