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Captain Peter Avignon

Mx. Peter J. Avignon, 34, Neo-Human from Bartholdi's Reach, Jred Frontier

Campaign & Party

Played by

Summer Camp Camp Chill Badge
Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines
  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

  Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.
  If you'd like to repost this badge, use [imgblock:4574878] to include the guidelines or [img:4574878] for only the badge. Amy Winters-Voss made a block version you can use by adding [block:1050823] to your article.

Fri 6th Sep 2024 06:43

Fancy Auction

by Captain Peter Avignon

11 January 4501
On the last day, I enjoyed the grounds, reading my Broker texts and asking some of the other auction-goers who might know a thing or two about Brokering for their tips. Beñat notices a Cincastrellan stealth ship land. He informs me and we go to ask one of the guards what's going on.
They don't know, and they say that they wouldn't be allowed to tell. They suggest we speak with Parvati. At the soirée pre-auction, I blank out at all the wealth on display, which is worsened when Lucid's childhood friend Lyle runs into us. He insults me, mistaking me for her valet and referring to the Good Times II. I sit down with my now-alcoholic coffee beverage and ponder why everyone in this room makes me feel bad about myself just for existing.
12 January 4501
Lyle meets with Deepak Kang, a representative of one of the most powerful corporations in the Centauri Republic.
During the auction, Lyle makes off with some of the lesser prices. The only other thing that didn't go to the rich people was a statue that went to Captain Dora of the Cincestrellan Navy.

Peter's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes
    2nd of January, 4500
  2. Lots of Dead Bodies
    2nd of January, 4500
  3. Personal Log
    9th of January, 4500
  4. Personal Log: Ship Upgrades on Mehen
    10th of January, 4500
  5. Personal Log: The Kumarbi Conspiracy
    17th of January, 4500
  6. Heading into the Unknown
    28th January 4500
  7. The Expedition Begins
    18th of February, 4500
  8. Faxi
    4500 2 20
  9. Eldanea System + Pariahan Fronts
    4th of March, 4500
  10. Against the Solanian Survey Corp
    18th of March, 4500
  11. Obligatory Water Level
    20th of March, 4500 CE
  12. Aidan Thorpe Arrested
    8th of April, 4500
  13. Leunus Prime
    15th of April, 4500 CE
  14. Impounded on Catta Primae
    25th of April, 4500 CE
  15. Captain's Log: Communications officer detained
    7th of June, 4500 CE
  16. next steps
    14 June 4500
  17. the Mistake (the Planet)
    21st of June, 4500
  18. Licking our wounds in Wild Space
    18 September, 4500
  19. Wow, Civilised Space!
    5 October 4500
  20. Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility
    19th of November, 4500
  21. Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)
    4500 11 26
  22. Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol
    4500 12 7
  23. Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao
    11th December, 4500
  24. Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega
    16th of December, 4500
  25. Returning with the spoils of salvage
    11th of January 4501
  26. Fancy Auction
    4501 1 12

The major events and journals in Peter's history, from the beginning to today.

Fancy Auction

[b]11 January 4501[/b] On the last day, I enjoyed the grounds, reading my Broker texts and asking some of the other auction-goers who might know a thing or two about Brokering for their tips. Beñat notices a Cincastrellan stealth ship land. He informs m...

09:31 pm - 06.09.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

[b]19 December 4500[/b] Benat goes onboard a S-type Scout ship and finds 2 mummified bodies and a pile o' bones. To difficult to tow ourselves, we return to Pandia to hire a pilot. [b]22 December 4500[/b] Hire pilot. I found one who would charge ...

10:36 pm - 30.08.2024

Welcome to the Aseni Republic of Vega

[h1]The Aseni Republic of Vega[/h1] [h2]Shivaji – Capital[/h2] [b]15 December 4500[/b] After dropping off the passengers from Baji Rao, we make plans. - We sell off some of our industrial goods in exchange for some advanced electronics - Lucid's d...

09:30 pm - 09.08.2024

Derelict space Station - Shiva Rao

[b]Baji Rao - Orbital Station[/b] [b]Independent System[/b] The mercenaries of this system that function as the customs charge us 30,000. - I make a note for the guild to offset this cost for future - Biggest collective organization of mercenary compa...

08:27 pm - 27.07.2024

derelict space Station - Shiva rao

[b]Baji Rao - Orbital Station[/b] [b]Independent System[/b] The mercenaries of this system that function as the customs charge us 30,000. - I make a note for the guild to offset this cost for future - Biggest collective organization of mercenary compa...

07:39 pm - 12.07.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

[b]Baji Rao - Orbital Station[/b] [b]Independent System[/b] The mercenaries of this system that function as the customs charge us 30,000. - I make a note for the guild to offset this cost for future - Biggest collective organization of mercenary compa...

06:55 pm - 12.07.2024

Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Ross 26 November[/b] The Sol Customs officers spend about 40-50 minutes sweeping the ship. Ross is a heavily industrialized planet, with heavy industries concentrated here and making the pollution high. Mostly - I'...

07:54 pm - 06.07.2024

Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Ross 26 November[/b] The Sol Customs officers spend about 40-50 minutes sweeping the ship. Ross is a heavily industrialized planet, with heavy industries concentrated here and making the pollution high. Mostly - I'...

07:05 pm - 06.07.2024

Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Ross 26 November[/b] The Sol Customs officers spend about 40-50 minutes sweeping the ship. Ross is a heavily industrialized planet, with heavy industries concentrated here and making the pollution high. Mostly - I'...

06:21 pm - 06.07.2024

Extra-judicial shipping in the Union of Sol

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Ross 26 November[/b] The Sol Customs officers spend about 40-50 minutes sweeping the ship. Ross is a heavily industrialized planet, with heavy industries concentrated here and making the pollution high. Mostly - I'...

06:17 pm - 06.07.2024

Hey Geneviève (sup, Hüsnü)

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Espadachin[/b] [b]Frontier Space[/b] [b]19 November[/b] We arrive on the planet of Espadachin. [b]21 November[/b] After refuelling, we depart. [b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Byzantion[/b] [b]24 Novemb...

06:29 am - 18.05.2024

Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility

- We send a tight beam transmission to the Guild on Hanhoe to inform them about the attack on the Science Base [b]30 October 4500[/b] - Back on Hanhoe, medical teams meet us to look us over for wounds -- We explain to the Guild the tactical situation ...

09:07 pm - 03.05.2024

Opus Dei strikes Guild science facility

- We send a tight beam transmission to the Guild on Hanhoe to inform them about the attack on the Science Base - Back on Hanhoe, medical teams meet us to look us over for wounds -- We explain to the Guild the tactical situation leading up to the attack...

07:46 pm - 03.05.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

- We send a tight beam transmission to the Guild on Hanhoe to inform them about the attack on the Science Base ...

07:22 pm - 03.05.2024

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here......

07:21 pm - 03.05.2024

I want to be able to tell when our ship is malfunctioning in my bones before any warning.

08:13 am - 22.04.2024

I increasingly view myself less as an authority over my crew and more as a guide and facilitator. I will not relinquish this role unless the rest of the crew insists and someone else comes forward and agrees to lead similarly. This is our ship.

01:54 pm - 11.04.2024

Leunus Prime

[h2]Leunus System[/h2] [b]Leunus Prime - Mutual Development and Assistance Pact[/b] - A planetary defense ship, fashioned out of a meteor, approaches us to ask for our manifest and stuff -- They make note of Benat's military status in the Cincastrellan...

05:14 pm - 29.09.2023

Against the Solanian Survey Corp

[h1]4 March, 4500[/h1] [b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Far Δ Expedition[/b] [b]Frontier Space - Core AVG IV (3017 Far Frontier) - Core AVG IV[/b] The landing site of the Solani team has an excavation pit with two guards, and no one else is immedi...

07:15 pm - 08.09.2023

Personal Log - New Year, New Shipping Codes

[b]GSG (Galactic Surveyor's Guild) - Catta Gule [/b] [b]Frontier Space[/b] [b]31 December 4499 - New Year's Eve[/b] Maybe having that splice streamer join the crew wasn't such a bad move after all. Did a show for the 50,000 some-odd miners here. Anywa...

04:22 pm - 28.05.2023

Definitely not a pirate

05:04 pm - 27.05.2023

Dolla dolla bill y'all

04:00 pm - 27.05.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Peter.

Played by

Summer Camp Camp Chill Badge
Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines
  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

  Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.
  If you'd like to repost this badge, use [imgblock:4574878] to include the guidelines or [img:4574878] for only the badge. Amy Winters-Voss made a block version you can use by adding [block:1050823] to your article.

Other Characters by trekman10