
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 8

by The Shadow

And so, we headed for the nearby cafe, the local Starbuccaneer's Cafe.
I follow behind while the five visitors head into the cafe with Psypher. Once they have walked inside, I follow after them. The bistro is fairly busy for this hour but nothing unusual. I'm not familiar with New York, but in Metropolis it's not that uncommon.
Psypher goes into McSushi with half the group. I follow and lurk nearby with the other half that is looking to get coffee. There may be no problem but then again, I'd rather be prepared.
A local cabbie did try and talk to them, and me, but the dialect was too thick. I shake my head no at her slightly. Luck was on my side, and the cabbie moved on. Meanwhile, the others stepped up to the barista. Elegast, ordered one of the odd teas. One called the Headwind Tea.
It was interesting. Elegast paid with Canadian money. Not that surprising that the barista could make change with Canadian coin but just that Elegast had any given my theory this bunch might be from another dimension.
Luule was carefully counting the money, but as it turned out was more concerned how to store the money. Particularly the metal coins. She didn't want to give it to the others since she felt they wouldn't give it back. But if she kept it on her, the coins might melt. So, fire or heated plasma based powers? Perhaps.
I asked if Luule needs a fire resistant container. She makes another sharp comment on manners and goats. Another insult that I ignore. I suggest that there are places nearby that have such things.
Once I followed them into the "McSushi" part of the place, I joined Luule at one table with my back to the wall. This keeps my face (even though I wear a half mask) out of the shop camera and lets me watch the five visitors.
Psypher tries the food. I'm curious, but unless I need to, I quietly decline.
But I'm wondering about the commentary of 'neighbors'. There was a comment of "visiting them". Questions come to mind...
They mention 'being a good neighbor'... what do they mean?

  • Cultural exchange?

  • "Preserved Prior Knowledge"?

  • They have medical advancements that our dimension doesn't have?

  • They talk around needing resources but don't directly mention what they are.

  • Eventually mention needing 'steel'. Mention that their steel wasn't 'properly' formed. So resource poor?

  • The want "unpolluted" iron.

  • how polluted? "forcible oxygen exposure" ... "contagious radiation"

  • Need fresh filtration supplies. What kind?

  • air, water, to remove microparticles. This is consistent with a post-war or devastated environment.

  • They mention being short on medicines and supplies because of being caught in a war?

  • They had a prior source? Who?

  • When I asked, they said "next valley over". So this must be on their world.

  • medicine?

  • anti-mutagenic type medicine that can stabilize their meta-gene that has gone unstable? Supposedly because of the war.

  • The picture of their world is coming together. A global war devastated their society. Possibly an apocalyptic event.
  • 35 years ago on their world, iron was made radioactive. That was weaponized.

  • They mention influencing cultures, but talk about the city as "a culture". It's obvious they have a lack of any idea that "New York" isn't a single culture. But they are talking about cultural influence.
  • They don't know the Eraser. So a different team. They operate as cells. Reduces the risk of information leaks.

  • The conversation covers some odd range. It sounds like they have more metas in their population than we have.
    Eventually, they hand over a plastic key to Psypher that will let us to a transmission device. It's as far north as possible on the New York peninsula, there is an apartment. If we leave a note, along with a location ( or map ) with time and day. They will meet us.
    Psypher explains about Home Depot, etc would have iron nails etc. "Nobody" mentions that they need sheets? I gather they might be planning a heist from the warehouse. Hmm...
    I suggest they go to the store to get what they need. They talk about "commercial" vs "personal" relationship. Though they prefer something 'personal'. I warn them against illegal or criminal activity. They seem responsive to the idea but I'm not sure I trust it.
    They are insistent about meeting a 'team' that can get them what they are after. The idea is they are after "Mutual Aid". Barter something in exchange for the supplies they want. I tried to be evasive about this. New York isn't my city, I didn't want to give that away as they might break off the conversation.
    Overall the conversation was useful but not helpful. They don't have a sense of being on another Earth. It could be that they either have a different concept of how they get here or have a different believe of what their think 'here' is.
    On leaving the cafe, the group split up. I held back and melted into the shadows. Then I follow the two that head off toward Home Depot using the map Psypher gave them. After they get there, they examine - if not case - the building. They are going to rob it later.
    Following them takes me to the art gallery, then out the other side. They walk under the tree then to a small building. They won't allow Luule in until she stops smoking.
    Sable Shadow was hidden in the tree and Makeshift, the one in the power armor, was nearby. Apparently he had cameras inside where the 5 visitors went. Interesting that the platters are missing from what Makeshift said. I quietly approach Makeshift and Sable Shadow while they are talking.
    I appear next to Makeshift and discuss the video. Also, I let him know about the Eraser who has been altering people's past to change the present and that I have a theory that these teams don't know about each other to minimize risk of information leaks.
    Psypher picks the lock on the green shed. Once the door was unlocked, we slipped inside.