
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 6

by The Shadow

Outside the shed, others appeared around the corner. We need to be more careful from now on. But these two appear to be working to solve the problem we are.
Therefore, I loop them in. We need all the help we can get. Chameleon is uncomfortable about this, but I press on. If they are here chasing the same problem, then they are part of the solution.
I explain what we know, Tabitha and Makeshift explain they've crossed dimensions. It sounds that they didn't plan this and aren't eager to do it again. So they know where a control room to ride the dimensional threads.
Makeshift does ask an uncomfortable question if I'm the original Shadow or not. Kent warned me about this. I give the reply he suggested. It had the expected reaction.
He did ask about a 'group'. I'm hesitant to mention Safeguard. I gave another cryptic answer for now. Later, I'll give him a better answer...
"Super" groups are ... complicated. But they make a sort of sense. Criminals band together all too often to spread their brand of evil.
Tabitha asked what the device, the generator looks, like so I explained , "Lets see" and I throw open the door.
The room is clear and clean. Spotless. The turntable is an antique that seems almost on purpose. Psypher mentioned hearing sounds that could have been from the 1930s. That would fit the aesthetic. This, and the details of the room, are to block interference from the 'modern' day? It seems likely. The device itself, this anchor, seems to be tied to the 1930s and related results flowing out from that moment in the 1930s.
I ask Makeshift and Kitsune to look for power source on the device. Psypher to check outside for tracks or other evidence outside the room since the room is clean of evidence inside.
Kitsune believes new recharging technology using magnets. Wire through a leg into the floor. Makeshift sees a spinning light, moving in a circle. Similar to the turntable and record.
Outside, something is emitting a dome to prevent dust, etc from coming in from outside. I ask him about the camera and he shows me where it is. It's a cheap camera, with a tinted and dirty plastic covered bubble over the camera.
I pick up some moss and walk toward the camera and building. two inches past the lip of the doorway.
Makeshift tells me someone is teleporting in using the shed he installed a listening device on. I quickly move inside with the mulch on the device to cause a deviation. It could be there is a "record" made of energy. Inside? Outside? Both? I don't know. I wait to see if there's a reaction.
Hopefully, it will impact whomever is teleporting in. My move in front of the camera was blunt, but effective. We need to force our opponent's hand a bit.
If this doesn't work, applying my phone against the device might have an effect. If we had an extension cord, that might be effective. I am wondering if the rotating field ever extends outside the phonograph box.
Makeshift says it stays inside the box... but something moved the mulch out. So there is a field reaction there. An event horizon?
The phone overcharges and reacts to the power discharge. All ringtones goes off, etc. Grows very warm. Light is blue and growing intense in the horn. I wait another 30 seconds.
At last the device shoves me back two feet and I have my phone. My phone was already ruined so it wasn't a loss.
Finally, a snarled ball of light comes out of the horn. A mess of sound and signals from all around the area is collected by the energy.
Therefore, the energy can be reflected. So a Faraday Cage will impact the devices. Which means a localized electromagnetic pulse could disrupt the energy. It also might cause an explosion so this isn't likely a direct solution but is possible.
The power Makeshift saw was a ball of energy inside. This is the generator for the motes. Likely it cycles until it reaches a certain charge, then disperses an 'energy mote'. Using my phone caused a power spike as the energy reacted with the electronics. Possibly like an electromagnet.
Psypher explained before he tried to turn the crank and it was very hard... but is the knob on the other side a counterweight? Maybe.
Makeshift then tries to teleport the device, and part of the room out of the building. He manages it. Impressive. It does shut the device off as well.
Parts were all plastic and non-metal. Fine quality, "like an emperor would want". Fine quality. Quartz and Graphite connections, like a superconductor based device. The phonograph itself is expensive quality but it isn't likely a real antique. The place for a turntable has an unusual "pearl' like "platter". Smooth but unknown material. A type of polymer?
So our opponent either has little access to metals, and so must use polymers. The phonograph has wooden attach points. Again, little access to metal... to necessity becomes a preference.
Psypher hands me his phone, then heads off to keep watch on the shed to see when our opponent sends someone to investigate this. Meanwhile, Makeshift and Kitsune extract the device from the broken parts of the room. While they work, the shadows and darkness grew around us. So, we did get the attention of our opponent. One of their minions or our opponent has arrived.
I cloud the minds of as many minds nearby that I can. About ten minds. Hopefully that's enough.
Tabitha explores the darkness around us while we wait.
Tabitha also seems to expect some ... "supergroup" with a "base"? I have no answer to that, nor do I want to answer that out in the open. The best "headquarters" would be my sanctum in Metropolis, but that's not an option. Nor would I want to bring them there.
I tell Kitsune and Makeshift I've cloaked us. But they need to get the device into hiding, while I stay to back up Tabitha.
They leave and I search the area to find the edge of the darkness. I climb the nearby apartment building's fire escape to find the volume of the darkness. It seems almost like a fog, not quite a 'shadow'. What I don't know is if this is a person projecting a power or a device... or if they're in the darkness fog surrounding it with them.
Tabitha is still down there so I'm staying to watch for her and help. Hopefully surprise whoever is generating the field below.