
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 11

by The Shadow

Previous Journal...

Epiphany 11: Substantiation

The next morning, I woke, dressed then went to meditate. After I stilled my mind, I concentrated on my illusion mastery then invisible and telekinesis. Still, I can feel a mild connection but nothing useful yet. After that, I practice my Tai Chi and other physical routines.
Once I was done, Makeshift and Sable Shadow "arrived" formally. Psypher met them then led them inside. There was some misunderstanding over the "hang up the weapons", which is "keeping the peace". Sable Shadow had no weapons, or at least obvious ones, which caused some confusion with the translator. I placed my pistols there. The others did the same.
We were led into a large room that had a buffet. No drinks, but likely that would be served perhaps? A centurion indicated to help ourselves. So I got some of the eggs and other food. No sense in not eating. This might be a long day.
A chef? Cook? Not sure, but she arrives with water and other drinks. Her accent is Germanic. Given the Roman motif, perhaps she's from the Gaul tribes.
I watch the locals come and go, memorizing and trying to learn the small mannerisms. About 7:30, the twins arrived. They were stunned to see the others of our group. Naturally.
The Praetor does show up with an older man that is a translator. Oddly the translator speaks American English. Interesting. That language is derived from germanic languages.
He wants to discuss the goals for today. Wanda mentions collected artifacts... They have been helping people return to their own Earth and worlds. But their work drew down enemies, which complicated their own mission of getting people back to where they belong.
Wanda and Peitro believe this 'enemy' is trying to put reality back the way their enemy thinks it was, not necessarily the way it actually was. The Preator is trying to help but can only watch and study. Wanda and Peitro is trying to find out who the Enemy has as allies. The time altering is new to them, and worries them.
I offer to show them the room we arrived in. But in exchange, I ask about what was stolen and where that was. The thefts are more rural locations, not the city. Makes sense, as they are - seemingly - trying to keep a low profile. They mention the Enemy tried to steal a flying barge, which caused the owner to show up and fight back. The sky barge is possibly mechanized.
When they steal something, is it a large amount at once? Large Volume?
Will take something large if they can grab it quickly. They don't have whoever used to repair their portal generator?
How does the Enemy know where and when to look?
Not sure, just a guess.
I propose getting together a collection of items and other goods the thieves are after. Then use those as bait. We would have to find someone willing, but they'll want something in return. That isn't a surprise.
The Preator explains they have caught some of the thieves. They're under lock and key. These prisoners have protections under local law. Prisoners can answer questions but cannot be forced to answer or say anything they don't want to say. It's possible, if I try and cloud their minds, it will break the law. I'll need to be careful about that.
Makeshift and Tabitha asked about the portals, or the "door". Apparently, once open, the door can't be moved. It takes people to open the door but those people have to hold the door open. If these "gatekeepers" die, then the portal closes. Also, it seems that they have a limited number of people who can hold a portal open.
The enemy had what sounded like an inventor who would use the portals as a means to spy on locations. Opening a portal, briefly looking through and taking notes. But Wanda and Pietro believes that this inventor didn't invent the technology but found it.
Centurions are global ethnicities. But they all speak latin. The people in the Roman consulate are equatorial primarily.
Psypher asks about culture and cultural gestures. The interpreter explains what and how to act so we won't upset the locals, including hand gestures. He also says we will likely not be allowed into the actual city itself since it's an inner island.
We ride into or near town. The town itself is a campground used for trade. Most of the buildings are one story with a marketplace in the middle. Like a farmer's market. We stop outside a longhouse.
The locals in town are wearing modern like clothing but are Native American lineage.
One grins and winks at me for some reason. I try to memorize his face. In case this person knows my local dimension duplicate.
The locals and their society use a technology that seem to be on par, or greater, than the Romans. This would be a solid reason why they would be targeted by the thieves.
We're led through the longhouse to a location that is obviously a 'jail' of some kind. There are two prisoners, neither Native Americans. One, the woman, rolls over on her bunk and sulks. The man goes to a long bench, sits down and waits.
It was supposedly arranged ahead of time. The prisoners were caught picking up the goods but were caught when they tied to get the goods left for them. They claim it was possibly remnants of "Wildstorm"? I don't know the name.
The prisoners have no idea when another attempt would be made.
Prisoners: "Skyburner" & Unknown
Was gabbed by Peitro. Skyburner called him an insurgent from Wildstorm? Or possibly one?