
Case of the Psychic's Lament, Part 9

by The Shadow

We entered from the south into what looked like a throne room that had been wired like an electronics lab.
A technical panel lies along the south wall of the room. In the center, there is a clear dome over a submerged energy ball. Four Van De Graaf generators are at the room's corners.
Tabitha mentions the chairs took them across dimensions. Which would be the way the group we spoke with at the cafe arrived here. But why they seem to not understand dimensional travel, I'm not sure.
I walk over to check one of the Van De Graaf generators. They sit on a pedestal and the one I was looking at was rotating slower than one revolution per minute. I check the pillars for any secret panels, doors, switches, slide doors or other components. That looks poured, and didn't have any doors. Nothing seemed to be easily adjustable.
There might be a way to get into the generator to alter or change it's rotation. The rotation reminds me of the phonograph. Turntable effect, or a 'clock'. But altering the phonograph was almost impossible. It's likely that these generators will not be any easier to turn.
So I looked for another, more fragile component.
There was four large crystals mounted on what could be fountains in a way. Yellow sapphires? chalcopyrite? They are luminescent and producing a chime-like sound. Not sure which, I'd have to get closer. Tabitha said the floor dropped out under the before. They are slowly rotating.
But if those crystals are chalcopyrite, that type of stone is believed to be used for energy grounding or break up energy blockages. Some believe it can emit a glowing light that affects a person's chakras. Again, energy grounding or pulling energy, including increasing perception.
Though if a yellow sapphire, they are believed to stimulate telepathy, clairvoyance, and spirit guide communication. They would likely be effective with harmonic refraction of the energy.
Chalcopyrite seems more likely for portal generation of this kind to stabilize the energy flowing through the room and stabilize the portal. Sapphire would be helpful for direction for a summoning or dimensional portal travel. Remote viewing perhaps.
I questioned Tabitha and Makeshift about their experiences... Tabitha did say they glowed brighter at one point. Neither her or Makeshift noticed any change in their own chakras. Tabitha is a bit miffed, thinking no one believes her. I completely believe what she and Makeshift explained and experienced. I don't have time to console them on this.
The crystals are humming, which is an interaction of the dimensional energy. It's part of what stabilizes the summoning portal. Psypher drew his psi blade which caused dimensional energy to intensify. Those are yellow sapphires.
I did ask Psphyer to put away his Psiblade. When he did, the motes grew less. Not instantly, but the effect was degrading. What remains is possibly attunement between our own chakra and the crystals.
Then the floor vanishes and the energy ball starts to rise. Energy surrounds us more strongly. I toss a stun grenade to disrupt the harmonics of one yellow sapphire so that it won't be attuned to the others that form the summoning circle. The panel in the south starts to flash, vibrate, and making all sorts of commotion. The bomb didn't "break" the summoning circle but did fracture it.
Side effect, it also caused the van de graaf generators to cycle down. At the same time the motes fall through the floor while a painful high pitch whine fills the room. Finally, the ball lowers and is sealed off in a chamber below ground.
Then the room goes silent. No generator, no hum, etc.
I explain my theory about a summoning circle and that the crystals are forming the circle. Such as the hum which could be a mantra transmitted by the crystals. Either way, the crystals are the key to the ritual. I go to remove the dislodged crystal but need help. Makeshift offers to teleport it off so no one has to touch it.
Makeshift handed me the crystal so I could take a closer look at it. We decided to get it to the same hiding crate that the other device was taken to. But we also agreed that there is likely a "repair team" that will come fix the summoning portal.
I hide the crystal under his cape and long coat to leave the room. Sneak out and keep to the shadows.
When we tried to leave, once we opened the door, we found the room was transported out of New York and to Canada. Southern shore of the St. Lawrence Seaway. There is a flag within sight but it isn't quite the Canadian flag. We are on another Earth or world.
Psypher inspects the road. It is not asphalt or tar but white with a silvery sheen. Snow is everywhere, so I'll stand out. But I want to risk it to get a better idea of where we are. I walk down to inspect the road.
The road is hexagonal pieces fitted together of stone that reflects electromagnetic energy ( light , heat, etc ). Could be energy based vehicle travel but also could be to reflect light, heat, energy to preserve the road.
Unfortunately, their dog noticed me which caused the soldiers to break the mind cloud I put on them. I mimic their body language to keep them at ease ( hopefully). One sort of speaks English. I try to talk with that one. I stumble through trying to get to someone with some answers, or at least can communicate better.
Finally they are going to take me to the Praetor who perhaps can help. The roman solider hands her spear over and then heads north. I glance at the others and follow.
We arrive at a wooden house, entering on the south side with an airlock arrangement to keep heat inside. The rooms are more official to them. As if this is an office of some kind. Most of the technology is a mix of repulsorlift type technology and steam technology. Nothing similar to the technology we are used to. Furniture is a mix of well cared for fiber craft.
On the fourth room inside the complex, the centurion removes her sword and helmet. I remove my pistols and place them on the same hook she put her sword. But I leave on my hat and scarf. Psypher puts his swords there as well. She declares this a "place of peace". I agree. We continue.
Eventually we reach another room deeper into the building. She leads us in then stands at attention. The man with the laurel isn't nervous but the other two are.
The Preator greets us. Psypher speaks French to them which mostly works. I tried in English then also tried native sign language. Sign didn't quite work. We learn the Praetor is Praetor Gaius and is an ambassador.
Pietro and Wanda are translating. But they can't stay for bias? Interesting.
We do manage to communicate and get across introductions. Also that we are attempting to solve the problem of the gateway and its makers. Simply because they are causing us a problem as well.