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Mon 18th Dec 2023 12:17

12/17/23 Blast to the past...

by Clover Geit

We boof..(fap) out with Bree, I wake up in my childhood bedroom. I look in the mirror and I am 17 yo and my mom is calling me from downstairs. She tells me that my father will be home soon, and he has big news....... (everyone is stuck in the past with me)
My dad comes home to tell me there is an arranged marriage and I try to sneak out the window and my mom asks me where I went because I said I was going to the bathroom... I told her I threw up on myself because her were bad and she asked for my shirt, so I threw up on it and handed it to her. I then run out of the house and see The Hot Grails in the local bar.... I stop and speak to them. Bree says shit is fucked and if I don't follow in the exact same hoofsteps then Alph could get liver cancer or worse Jethro and Tull could never exist. I go to a My Alchemical Bromance concert with Laz and go up on stage and make a fool of myself. *Laz cringes*
(The guy team..aka team B)
They go to steal the rod in sewers. They successfully steal it but the bandits chase after them and Alph tries to be a bitch and kill Left.... Errich tries to fap them out but can't... V pushes them both 30 feet away with fire. He is determined to kill Left. Errich turns into a Bear and charges Alph and tackles him. V yells at him to stop and then Alph creates a cage around him.
Bree messages me and tells me to come to the bar....
She stamps her staff and we fap out of my time line and into Bree's (she's 20)