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Mon 27th Nov 2023 02:50

11/26/23 makin our way underground..(and also everywhere)

by Clover Geit

11/26/23 Post titan fight
The boat is fucked. We need to get it fixed stat!
Bree calls into V's head and tell us we need to go to the seal buried tomb because she has info on Galliard.
We decide to head to Goldencrest because the ship won't make it to Borrowdale.
Two days go by and the ship is near dying.... but we make it and queerus meets us there. He gives us our collapsible cart
and tells me Edmund is in town at the Silver plates...spoons? (idk it's in my other notes and I'm too lazy to look it up) and that he has our horses. The cart starts humming... and lifts up and becomes weightless for the horses.
We finally get to Burrowdale and Friend guard Thom is there, and we say hi and put him to beddy bye.
We go to meet Bree and she tells us that Galliard is planning on turning the Dragon into a Dracolich.
He is planning on mind controlling him via gemstone. Which will make Gallie in control of him... which is bad.
He has the gemstone he needs already... to become a Dracolich you have to drink a potion to die and then have someone you trust to collect your soul. We need to break up Gallie and the Atorog's relationship, but Bree thinks they have already started the ritual.... Gallie's castle is parked at the havens grove estate but there is not there anymore.
We end up bamph to Gloomrun and I tell Dirt to run home to Gas (aka Gassy) Everyone else runs to the temple of Eisos.
V ends up praying to him, and then a black shadow person stands next to him and grabs his arm and poofs off.
(V's interaction)
Goes into Eisos land?... He talks about Gallie. He says Gallie stole a book from him, V asked him how to help and he was a big jerk. He tells V he is in control of knowledge which people shouldn't have. He pulls out a small glowing orb, and tells him to gives this to his father. He says try looking first, because that dark magic leaves residue.
We bamphed to an unknown location that V asked Bree to take us and a super hot Bravos pops up.
He tells him he will give him one free boon.... of scrying.... and takes V on a trip and he finds the location.
Which is on the west coast, where the fake loadstones use to be that held up Goldencrest's walls.
Bree says we shouldn't jump into it all crazy like. I tell her what if we destroyed the rest of his phylactery lodestones
Still need to destroy:
-bottom of the sea inside pillars of defiance (where Gallie is at rn)
-deep underground and it is channeling heat into magic
(It is probably near the lava but also water..?)
They are empty... but we need to break them and it is very likely he is near by one of them and they are heavily protected.
She teleports us to Gloomrun and we speak to the Mayor. He tells us there is a river of Magma/water around outpost Ajus.
We run into Gary... and he's still...uh Gary.
V eats a random mushroom from him and trips out big time.
V is trying to walk into the lava, but I put him on my Glaive and walk across it.
and we all get across the magma river and find where the rivers meet and there is a stone structure there.