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Sun 25th Feb 2024 11:55

2/25/24 & 3/3/24

by Clover Geit

Me and Laz wake up and head to Mythill. I find the old man, and give him his eye back and he turns into a younger V...? Maybe that's why I hate V he reminded me of my shame ??
I have a dream with Devina and the guy who I stole the eye from who turns out is actually Isos!!!
Devina gives me one of her hairs and it molds into my sword and now I have these benefits:
Moon cleaver- perfect weapon now.
Protective light: Blade's glow give adv on saving throws within 15ft of me
CR 18 undead flee from the sight of the blade.
We ready ourselves for battle and we enter the war room and Zudus and Udus, Yollana, Bree, Left, the king, and maybe some other people but I wasn't paying a lot of attention.
-Go to his last known location. (South of the Maru kingdom where the Elves are fighting over wine)
-Search for clues at the old research lab. (possibly underground)
-Stop the ritual for the Dracolich
We ask Roguar the ancient dragon for help in a pray circle and end up in his floaty castle. He's really scary. Alph makes a deal with him and now has to fulfill a deal with the dragon.
Errich has the master sending stone.
We have a yummy dinner, as well as Alph giving us a super awesome speech. We get super buffed up...
We poof into the research lab and remember we have to go down
We get down the stairs and find multiple statues
West- Long arms and legs words on it's chest that says Queerus and Deaville (the biter)
North- Long fingers body Forshanalte Kador (The muter)
East- Normal looking statue Gillwise river-eyes and crossed out to say Swallowtail (Mr. Night)
I rocky talkie Queerus, he's okay but we all fell into a trap.
V finds notes:
Ritual will require a huge gemstone to house dragon.
Will also require a lot of life energy to cover up necrotic damage.
Ritual will need to be held in a platform in the sky so the dragon can come and go...
I get shot through my leg with a spear/blade connected by a chain by the biter... We have a rough fucking combat.
We finally get through the rough combat and loot some crystals off the Golems.
and start deliberating over where Gallie is located.
We talk to Bree and she said she defiantly thinks that the life tree is the place to be and that Gallie stole a crystal in Crystillist.
We call Bree who gets Salen, to help us get to the birth tree
We get to the place of the birth tree and Alph & V ride up the birth tree. We speak to Carla and alert of her the situation. She said their Sentrees alerted them of their presence.
She blesses us and we got up to the top of the birth tree and the Sentrees tell us they found something up there and it was very darkkkkkk (bad feelings)
Alph and V find the spot.....
Alph and V tells where it's at and about hat wishes to make with the ring.

  • Go for Gallie first

  • Stop Dracolich ritual

  • Maybe tell Dragon about it so it can attack him instead

  • -???
    *Laz Enhance ability to Errich Bear's Endurance*
    I bless Alph and V (Laz, Errich, and I have been blessed from the Sentrees)