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Sun 14th Apr 2024 11:35

Post Gallie/dragon fight: pre only Gallie fight

by Clover Geit

Bree says
Zudus & Udus went missing again....
Zudus north ith0crest and NW
Udus west of Caedor.
We drop down to the location of Zudus
We kill him and bring him back.
We go to where Udus is.
Fort Maru is where the loadstone is that is controlling the wizards
We feel a pull of loadstone
16 is my initiative.
Then Cody decided for us to just roll again so this time I got 15.
We fight some zom-babies and wait fir Zom-mummy to come out
We kill the Mummy-daddy
We get on the airship and Alph sees spell lines going towards a crosshair, Alph suggests we go towards it to try and stop Gallie before he comes back and destroy his phylactery.
The king of the Maru kingdom poofs onto our ship, he wants to come fight with us.
We short rest, and then have hero's fest as well.
Metrodoven is in the middle of the continent.
We jump on and go talk to Herpaderp..aka HD.
Alph and Clover try to speak to him to figure out a plan and we do not... HD says he is here.