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Sun 7th Jan 2024 11:56

Bree's bad day 1/7/24

by Clover Geit

We are in Burrowdale, and Bree is holding a stack of books. We go into the Tipping tanker and see a young version of Angela.
Bree is very upset and says we better not fuck with her future/past We need to find her her staff which is in The Sealed burrowed tomb. (which was apparently a dungeon at one point) The longer we take in there the long she has to live out the worst day of her, Burrowdale burning down by Runedrix. She tells us it is somewhere past the first 3 floors. Alph is a big baby and stays behind with Laz in the tavern.
We get to the Sealed Burrowed Tomb (10 floors known) We get through the first few floors with ease. We get to the fifth floor and see a sign that says "Below this floor only lies death" We get to floor 6 and Errich falls into a pit of acid. We get floor 8 and there is a storm cloud around the ceiling and two giants that say they are going to fuck us.... One of them has the staff in his waistband. We get our asses kicked for a little while and we all go down in this fight at some point or another. I kill the fuck out of the giant with the staff. Errich grabs it and we get the hell out of there.
We leave the dungeon and when we come out Runedrix was fighting her master and Burrowdale is pretty crisp. Bree's master gets set on fire and dies. But Runedrix passes out. We bamp out of there and we are now on a ship... and Laz is young... we find another piece of her staff and then bamp to see a very young... very supple V.
and we go into the brothel and V pays for all the drinks tonight and he's going crazy... (we somehow ended up in the summer village of the Fay wild Errich finds out from Jaka) We finally get out of there.... and then poooooof
Into Alph's time it was the dragon fight with the undead everywhere. V takes off after the dragon. and we poof after V with Bree. Alph decides to send our fan group to his Dad's house... and he takes on Edmund's house. We run after V and he blasts the dragon with his Eldritch blast. The dragon blasts us with multiple rounds of plasma and V and I go down. The dragon runs away. Bree teleports us to the city and we are near Alph's house. Alph scoops up Edmund and then they save his father.