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Sat 7th Jan 2023 11:22

The big oopsie

by Eloise Sharpe

After killing all the suits of armor, we try pulling open the lid and get hit with a big ol' blast wave.
Ojiro - demon-y-looking guy comes out. He speaks in abyssal. Ojiro tells us that he has been locked in prison since before the city fell. He doesn't align with the betrayer gods. The people he trained with would have become the "hand of the king", but he followed madam Galvashesh. (He was her right hand) They went against the Law Bearer. He luckily didn't kill us but left through the ceiling so we couldn't follow.
When investigating the cell, Eloise found scratch marks (counting the days) all over the walls.
<< I think we found something in his chambers as well but check notes >>
We head back to Gul-Dratum
At the trade guild we find Gart and finish our delivery. Everyone gets 15 gold. Markus gets a letter from Targarious.

  • chicken wrangler - 2 copper/chicken

  • wanted poster from Deacon - "Bone Crusher" is a goblin wanted dead or alive - 200 gold. The unusually large goblin has been robbing farmers/harassing people on the road South of Gul-Dratum.

  • ** Isla is interested in looking for jobs. She says she Ran away from a place across the desert but claims no one is chasing her.
    We go talk to Deacon at the temple of the Law Bearer.
  • We see him talking to someone who gives Sho the heebie-geebies. We let him know about the caravan and stuff. WE DONT MENTION OJIRO!!

  • He tells us the undead issue in the sewers was handled by the guy that was giving weird vibes. He is a pale human with ghost-white eyes named Dravik Bheymore.
    Eloise heads to a magic store. Mithral Mantle. OWNED by Mr. Gobblebottom, an old gnome. We love him. He also is an alum of the Premorth Institute! Very cool very pog champ he gave me a student discount and we are totally friends now.
    He identifies the piece of gemstone we found-- it is a shard of Aeturnum. ((once per long rest it can restore a spell slot))