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Sun 8th Jan 2023 12:44

The one where we save Arthur and we learn so much oh my god

by Eloise Sharpe

On the road to the temple of Tyr, we camp out next to a small rocky outcropping. On watch with one of the hooded men, he mentions that they expect some kind of favor in kind for helping us bring back Arthur. He says that coin won't mean much. Watches go by without issue and we continue our journey.
A storm appears ahead but we push on to camp one more day. During watch, we spot a blue dragon in the distance!!!!!!!!!!!
The hooded man said that dragons are pretty common in the desert and that they've even fought a red dragon at the temple once!! The watch goes by the rest of the way uneventfully and we finish our last day of travel. When we are almost to the temple, we spot a viper slithering towards us. Naseem approaches the snake and sings it, seemingly like a snake charm. He said that the snakes have a bad rep but are smart creatures who won't attack without need.
At the temple of Al Dothar:
We meet Tavin (aka Tav). He will perform the ritual on Arthur's body. Targarious started by reading a poem (10/10). I went next, mending his broken watch. Then Sho, Kai, and Isla made a short speech. After a few moments, Arthur began breathing again and woke up. He was saying some weird stuff about Sho.
He said he learned from the Raven Queen that his parents are alive. He hasn't seen his parents since he was 9. They were part of Premorth-- and on an expedition in Durbar they ran into a caravan of Veru. Arthur made it out alive by fleeing with a gnome Borbri Stoutfirm. The gnome took Arthur and became his new father in Merkwood. After we make sure he is okay, Arthur goes off by himself for a while and Binx goes with him. He seems very distraught and seems to have some sort of inner conflict. Eventually we all reconvene in our sleeping chambers.
Since there is a chance that Arthur's parents might still be alive, I decide to message Professor Jembelle and tell her I know Arthorius and ask about his parents. She frantically sends a message back and says that I shouldn't mention his name to anyone. She then sends another message asking where I am. When we tell her that we are at the temple she teleports here. She says that there are bad actors in the Premorth institute who wanted his parents out of the way and arranged to have them killed. She says that if Arthorius makes himself known, they could easily wipe him out as well. Arthur's dad was doing some kind of internal investigation and his parents were getting in the way of the bad actors. We questioned Jembelle under Zone of Truth so it was telling the truth.
Arthur and Jembelle go talk alone, then we all decide to head to sleep for now.
what a crazy unfolding of events I'm shooketh