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Sat 7th Jan 2023 08:11


by Eloise Sharpe

Starting off at brekky, we had a conversation about the job Deacon gave us. We decided we should go and ask for more details about specific locations of the caravan before heading off.

  • Sho approached the guard captain at the gate to ask about Deacon. We learned Deacon was a captain for 20 years. We asked about the caravan as well and learned it is about a day 1/2 journey to the south-east. 4 wagons and 12-15 people disappeared. Not sure what they were transporting.

  • Mentioned that there are a lot of drakes past the korife peaks in the desert. They are big lizards adapted to the hot climate.
    We decided to head back to the rat'n'dagger to rest, and hydrate, then head out to the desert to find the caravan.
  • Eloise gets questioned about the fight (against the guys by the sewer) and Premorth by Sho and Arthur.

  • Eloise uses Binx to read some of Kai's books: Reading historical textbooks about battles, wars, and other combat fought by the Drurian Dynasty.
    Kai, Sho, and Eloise head to library and Crimson Corner.
  • Scorched Savannah

  • --------- Once uninhabited, it turned into a desert after the city of Tumeholde fell.
    --------- Orc Culture
    ----------------Veru are one of the oldest Orc bands known for their brutality. They don't have a camp, you won't see or hear them coming. (Maybe a dust cloud) Their most powerful warriors will meet and duel for respect. The alpha is decorated and treated with the most respect.
    We headed out to find the caravan -- first night goes well -- we make camp to wait out the day's heat.
    The second night a pack of hyenas follow us for a bit before losing interest. We eventually find the caravan completely ruined and rekt.
    Tracks are leading away from the wreckage.