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Sat 7th Jan 2023 11:53

RIP Girth and goblin temple fight

by Eloise Sharpe

We set off on our journey to find the Y O L K E D goblin.
We stock up on water skins and supplies for our trek. There wasn't a lot going on on the road until we spot another cart coming toward us. Riding in the cart is a male, his face covered and wearing a big cloak. All we can see are two orange eyes. He told us that he encountered a military caravan (not from Gul-Dratum) a few days prior. We decide to camp near an old oak tree and Binx is summoned back.
On day two we travel fairly uneventfully until we stumble upon a very thin human he says his cart got attacked and stolen. His name is Girth.
***Girth fucking explodes*** (then we get ambushed)
One goblin got away after casting a sending spell. The one we saved to question supuku'd himself so we decided to track the other goblin and follow him to a big temple with a shit ton of other goblins. We stake it out for a while and come up with a plan.
Next session:
After a bit of planning, Arthur decides to be a distraction so we can make a surprise attack on the goblins. We do our best. We almost all die. Arthur dies. I cast gentle repose on him and while we try our best to take care of his body a few of the guys go into the temple and find some weird shit. Purple corruption goop, the Bone Crusher goblin had the corruption on his body-- his eyes were big purple holes with the corruption glowing behind them.
On the way back to the cart we run into two cloaked figures who claim they are part of the temple of Tyr. They say they can help try to raise Arthur from the dead -- their temple is just two days away. One of the men introduces himself as Naseem Al-Hashim.