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Entry 6 Day

Entry 6

by Finn Ironstone

My Mother fucking Father, Why couldn't he have just stayed the fuck down in hell where he belongs.
Okay, some backstory for the unfortunate reader of my journal here, My father is a dick, he sucks and frankly I hope I get to kill his stupid face in the future.
It all started on the day the Pirates raided my town, My mother saw the smoke from the Docks when the pirates first got there, And she got me my father, and my sister and told us what was happening. So me her and my mother All got down into our houses saferoom which my father had made a few weeks prior to the pirates attack. He told us to wait in the saferoom and He'd go with the town guard to fight the pirates, After about 30 minutes the pirates ransacked our house and didn't find us. But an hour later the pirates ripped the saferoom door open and dragged me and my mother and my sister outside. And who was standing there but our father and the remainder of the town guard, And My father said that he would Give me my mother and my sister to the pirates in exchange for his guards release. The pirates "agreed" and they tied me and my sister up but my mother, Tried to fight and was killed on the spot. And so the pirates agreed to their bargain, so they let the guards go, and killed them as they ran. And they dragged me, my sister and my shifty father to their ship where my father was thrown in the brig. And me and my sister were on the top deck and my sister kept crying and crying because she just watched her mother die, and so they threw her overboard. And they forced me to watch as she struggled and eventually drowned. And It's all my father's fault. He tried to justify himself when I was locked in the brig with him but nothing he said made my mother and sister come back.
This story has been told to no one. If your reading this and my father is still alive. The kill the bastard.
And To whomever It may be relevant, If I get any opportunity to kill my father when he's not expecting it. He's gonna get what's coming to him
I am writing this entry Because
1 - I need to vent about my hatred
And 2 - Today would have been my sister's Birthday. She would have turned 13

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  1. The Day Everything Changed
  2. A Whole New World
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  3. The Journey Begins...
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  4. Bonus Downtime Entry
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  5. Entry 1
    11 Pricus 2077
  6. Entry 2
  7. Entry 3
    Today's date Idfk
  8. Entry 4
    Today's date Idfk
  9. Entry 5
    The day of John's Demise
  10. Entry 7
    Airship Day
  11. Entry 8
    Yeetle the 4th
  12. Entry 6
    Entry 6 Day
  13. Entry 9
    Today's Date
  14. Prison 1
    24th Yull, 2077
  15. Entry 10
    3, Ia 2077
  16. Entry 11