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Fri 17th Sep 2021 01:07

The Day Everything Changed

by Finn Ironstone

Pirates were swarming the town, my mother and father were trying to get me to safety when The pirates found us, My mother was killed on the spot, One pistol shot to the head. Her eyes rolled back, Her skin drained of colour, and in that moment All that I felt was Pain.

Continue reading...

  1. The Day Everything Changed
  2. A Whole New World
    Pricus, 11, 2075
  3. The Journey Begins...
    Pricus, 11, 2077
  4. Bonus Downtime Entry
    The down time week idfk
  5. Entry 1
    11 Pricus 2077
  6. Entry 2
  7. Entry 3
    Today's date Idfk
  8. Entry 4
    Today's date Idfk
  9. Entry 5
    The day of John's Demise
  10. Entry 7
    Airship Day
  11. Entry 8
    Yeetle the 4th
  12. Entry 6
    Entry 6 Day
  13. Entry 9
    Today's Date
  14. Prison 1
    24th Yull, 2077
  15. Entry 10
    3, Ia 2077
  16. Entry 11