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11 Pricus 2077

Entry 1

by Finn Ironstone

Day 1 of being on my own, after I realised I was broke I found a poster about this job by a guy name Teal H. Beltbuckles or something. The Party I'm with is kinda odd,
Theres Drakon, Hes a paladino's who is kinda uptight, I do t like him very much.
Theres Erin or Eric or something, Hes chill but kinda spooky
Theres John, Hes a gnome chef. Not much else to say
And then theres alex, There kinda stinky and Spooky, I dont like them very much either.
I still have several Mental traumas but I'll keep up the dumb face I'm wearing to hide the sad.

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  1. The Day Everything Changed
  2. A Whole New World
    Pricus, 11, 2075
  3. The Journey Begins...
    Pricus, 11, 2077
  4. Bonus Downtime Entry
    The down time week idfk
  5. Entry 1
    11 Pricus 2077
  6. Entry 2
  7. Entry 3
    Today's date Idfk
  8. Entry 4
    Today's date Idfk
  9. Entry 5
    The day of John's Demise
  10. Entry 7
    Airship Day
  11. Entry 8
    Yeetle the 4th
  12. Entry 6
    Entry 6 Day
  13. Entry 9
    Today's Date
  14. Prison 1
    24th Yull, 2077
  15. Entry 10
    3, Ia 2077
  16. Entry 11