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The day of John's Demise

Entry 5

by Finn Ironstone

I am writing this entry as we are setting sail back to Tsinaal with Eric.
This last week has been a roller coaster, first to recap we gained something called a deck of many things and I drew a card first and got 2 free uses of the spell wish. the first use I used to gain ten thousand gold. that was cool I guess, then Eric drew a card and his soul and body were transported to Elspeth, my home town, and I used my last wish use to locate his soul. great! right? the remaining members of the party: Drakon , Alex, John, a new guy Jeff, and me all unanimously voted to give the totem artifact thing to the group that claim they can destroy the mist. then we set out on a cheap af boat that I got to go save Eric, the voyage to Elspeth was uneventful and when we got there The ruins of my hometown were still as burnt as ever. Hard to think I've only been back here once since I was taken. I went to my old house and I found an old family photos, the day that photo was taken was a good day, unlike the day we saved Eric. everything was fine up un til shorty after we got him. The spell told me Eric's soul was down a well somewhere which John went down, I followed soon after and led to a room, we fought some bat things and went into a cavern which unluckily happened to be inhabited by a dragon. luckily with Jeff there we were able to slay the beast. I managed to collect its soul in the soul horn the merchant gave me. we got some other things but that's not important. whats important is what happened after we left the well. Eric was given his things back and pulled out the deck and asked if anyone wanted to draw any more cards before the deck went away permanently. I drew two, one was the moon card which gave me 3 more Wish uses! and the other told me that a demon had been plaguing my life. So naturally I wished for the demon to be killed and Behold Better john was slain instantly. He was a demon after all this time I still cant wrap my head around it but that wasn't even the worst thing to happen that day. Eric was next. He drew one card and lost all forms of wealth he had. not bad but not good either. and finally Lesser John said and I quote "I'd Like to draw one, I'm gonna be brave" he then drew a card which I wasn't sure what it did and then death itself appeared and demanded a duel which John sadly lost. both of my best friends died and there was nothing I could do about it. so after some long silence I collected his thing and we all went back to the ship in silence. we just set sail and I'm writing this on the bow of the ship and I'm just thinking how easy it'd be to jump of and leave myself for the creatures of the deep. but I know that John would want me to carry on and complete the task we were set to do.....

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  1. The Day Everything Changed
  2. A Whole New World
    Pricus, 11, 2075
  3. The Journey Begins...
    Pricus, 11, 2077
  4. Bonus Downtime Entry
    The down time week idfk
  5. Entry 1
    11 Pricus 2077
  6. Entry 2
  7. Entry 3
    Today's date Idfk
  8. Entry 4
    Today's date Idfk
  9. Entry 5
    The day of John's Demise
  10. Entry 7
    Airship Day
  11. Entry 8
    Yeetle the 4th
  12. Entry 6
    Entry 6 Day
  13. Entry 9
    Today's Date
  14. Prison 1
    24th Yull, 2077
  15. Entry 10
    3, Ia 2077
  16. Entry 11