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10th of Symswald, 932


by Grayson Longstrider

"Death... An endless downward spiral through the timeline of existence. Felt like I was floating for eons until I saw a form appear in front of me. It was a figure in a black cloak, a long-fingered hand showed itself from beneath the cloaked figure, revealing a scale. The cloaked figure pulled down its hood, revealing the twin-faced god, Endriss, one face smiled while the other frowned. He dragged the scale forward closer to my ethereal being, showing my dead body on one side of the scale. Without hesitation, Endriss began cackling uncontrollably as the scale tipped into a balance. Within an instant, everything came rushing back as I gasped back into my body, opening my eyes to see the party around me. I feel different... Yet the same."
Grayson Longstrider

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  1. Death of Therg
    24th of Haggryme, 932
  2. The Ancient Oak
    2nd of Symswald, 932
  3. Endriss
    10th of Symswald, 932
  4. The Days Drag...
    13th of Symswald, 932
  5. The Calling
    22nd of Symswald, 932
  6. A Pledge to Balance
    27th of Symswald, 932
  7. The Black Cloaks
    1st of Harchment, 932